Agenda item




(1)  Councillor Littleboy asked could the Leader inform the Council as to what the cost to the Council was in officer time and resources to enable it to respond to the many Freedom of Information requests?


The Leader reported that the overall cost to the Council of dealing with Freedom of Information requests for the financial year 2008/09 was £80,843.05.  This included officer time responding to requests, managing the requests and providing training for staff.  It did not include printing and photocopying costs, but the majority of responses were now sent electronically.  This represented an average cost of £130.18 per request. 


(2)  Councillor Cutts asked what was the date when Citizenship Certificates first came to fruition, how many had been issued to date in Rotherham and could he have a copy of the syllabus? 


Councillor Hussain reported that Citizenship Ceremonies started in January, 2004.  He was unable to provide volumetrics back to 2004, but confirmed that in the calendar year January, 2008 to December, 2008 there were 260 New British Citizens in Rotherham


The order of ceremony was available if required. 


(3)  Councillor Mannion asked how many benefit claimants in Rotherham have been covertly filmed to check on their honesty?


Councillor Wyatt explained there had been no use of film/video surveillance since August, 2006 and the occasion prior to that was April, 2005.


Video surveillance was something that could be used, but the need had been rare.


(4)  Councillor Thirlwall asked, in view of the fact that Councillor Stone introduced Denis MacShane to Rotherham in 1989, could he confirm that The Right Honourable Dr. MacShane M.P. had his full support and confidence with regard to his expenses claims highlighted in the recent expenses scandal?


The Leader reported that yes he did support Dr. D. MacShane M.P.


(5)  Councillor Parker indicated that recent press coverage regarding M.P’s expenses showed that one of Rotherham’s M.P.’s spent several thousand pounds on paper folding equipment and asked could the Labour Group Leader confirm if this machine had ever been used for folding leaflets or any other party political literature at any time including national or local elections? 


The Leader reported that this was a question that should be asked of the M.P. directly.


(6)  Councillor Turner referred to the present level of business being seriously poor!  The consequence of this would be that no tax would be required to be paid and indeed cannot be paid and he asked if the Council agreed with him that even the hitherto levels of borrowing would not, therefore, be repaid let alone the new horrendous levels? 


The Leader indicated that the Council was keenly aware of the economic situation affecting the community and had taken action to assist both individuals and businesses.  The Council itself was not immune to the impact of the economic slowdown, but would continue to manage its own resources through continuing effective financial management.


(7)  Councillor Blair asked what was being done about the flooding in Maltby particularly the roads and gullies and the Manor Fields housing estate? 


Councillor R. S. Russell reported the road gullies in Maltby were presently being cleansed by the Council as part of the Council's Annual Gully Cleansing Schedule. The gully cleansing operation commenced some two weeks ago and it was programmed to be finished in the next two weeks.


Additional gully cleansing works were carried out to the road gullies in the Rolleston Avenue and Rotherham Road area shortly after the floods in June, 2009. The Council had also reported to Severn Trent Water Limited problems with the existing public sewerage systems within the area and requested that they carry out further investigation works into the flooding problems.


(8)  Councillor Cutts asked how many schools sing the National Anthem and when and how many schools have a flag pole and, if so, when do they fly the flag?


The Leader replied that in the absence of the Cabinet Member for Children and Young People’s Services the answer to this question would be provided in writing.


(9)  Councillor Mannion asked what was the current number of Council employees and what was the number for the same period last year?   


Councillor Wyatt explained that the number of Council employees as at 30th June, 2009 was 13,554.


The number of Council employees as at 30th June, 2008 was 13,544.  These figures were inclusive of staff employed in schools.


(10)  Councillor Thirlwall asked given the outcry over the lack of publicity for the Core Strategy Consultation would the Leader ensure an extension to the deadline for submissions by residents directly affected by the removal of Green Belt Status? 


The Leader reported that the Council had been out to consultation on the Core Strategy since 29th May, 2009 and the deadline was Friday, 31st July.  However, it was agreed to extend the deadline a further week and accept comments up until Friday, 7th August, 2009.


(11)  Councillor Blair asked how did the Council stop anti-social behaviour and under age drinking in the Wentworth Valley area?


Councillor Akhtar reported that in Wentworth Valley issues regarding “Nuisance Youths” whether drinking alcohol or riding off road motor bikes had fallen significantly from a peak in February to now – a drop of over 35% with only 48 incidents being reported in June.  This placed Wentworth Valley mid range in comparison with other Area Assembly areas.


These success were due to range of strong local partnership actions and significant investment in both preventative and enforcement activity.   This work ranged across a number of agencies including in particular South Yorkshire Police and Council services such as the Youth Workers and Housing and Neighbourhoods Community Protection Team.  The key for these teams was to take effective action and prove to the community the improvement seen in the figures provided.


The work of these teams was focused by the sharing of intelligence from the joint Council and Police Community Information Unit and this allowed for targeted interventions to hotspot areas.  Enforcement action could include covert surveillance, under age sales checks, seizure of nuisance motorcycles all of which could be underpinned by direct intervention against the offender, whether it be the shop selling the alcohol illegally or by the issuing of fixed penalty notices or court action that may result in the issuing of fines or an anti-social behaviour order.


Working with young people in particular to change wrong behaviour was vitally important, although he should not forget young people in the main contributed more positive things to an area than the minority who disrupted it.  Work in local schools by the Police, teachers and other educators was routine and Children and Young People Services, with other voluntary and community sector groups were really active around the borough especially in the Wentworth Valley area.


Overall anti-social behaviour was being reduced in communities and in areas such as Wentworth Valley.  The strong Safer Neighborhood partnership teams were having a positive impact.  Local Neighbourhood Action Groups would continue to focus on problem areas and importantly with the relatively recent introduction of the PACTs local people could now raise the problem direct and importantly receive the feedback on a monthly basis on the success of actions taken.


(12)  Councillor Cutts asked the Deputy Leader to list the increase and perceived increase in restrictions that applied to the new revised Standing Orders compared to the previous ones and also asked how long have the previous ones been valid?


Councillor Sharman referred Councillor Cutts to Minute No. B232 of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 29th April, 2009, which set out the changes to the conduct of business at the Council meeting.  These were approved at the Annual Council meeting, along with revised Standards Orders which took account of the changes.  Standing Orders were last revised in May, 2005.


(13)  Councillor Thirlwall referred to Sheffield Corus looking to sell land for use as housing land and asked what approaches had this Council made to see if Corus had any land assets for disposal in Rotherham to both help the company at this time and provide extra housing and employment sites? 


The Leader reported that the Council, along with partners, had been working with Corus due to recent announcements.   Corus had been asked about future land use and their intentions, however, their priority at present was their workforce and the business itself.  Once Corus were in a position to start these discussions then the Council would do so.


Answers to all questions that remained unanswered after the thirty minute guillotine would be provided for all Members in writing.