Agenda item

RBT Performance Report for the Year End 2008/09 and April 2009


Sarah McCall, Performance Officer, presented the submitted report which summarised RBT’s performance against contractual measures and key service delivery issues for year end 2008/09 and April, 2009, across the areas of Customer Access, Human Resources and Payroll, ICT and Procurement.


Key points for this period included:-


Strategic Measures

§               Customer Access – of the 5 targets only 4 had targets set for the year 2008/09.  All 4 targets had been achieved.  The remaining strategic measure related to customer perception with a baselining exercise to be carried out during 2008/09.  The work had been undertaken and a satisfaction target agreed for 2009/10 of 75%


§               Human Resources and Payroll – of the 5 targets only 4 had targets set for the year 2008/09.  All 4 targets had been achieved.  The remaining strategic measure related to customer perception with a baselining exercise to be carried out during 2008/09.  The work had not been carried out during 2008/09 but work was now ongoing to undertake the exercise early in the current financial year


§               ICT – of the 5 targets only 4 had targets set for the year 2008/09.  All 4 targets had been achieved.  The remaining strategic measure related to customer perception with a baselining exercise to be carried out during 2008/09.  The work had been undertaken and a satisfaction target agreed for 2009/10 had been proposed to RBT


§               Procurement – of the 5 targets only 4 had targets set for the year 2008/09.  All 4 targets had been achieved.  The remaining strategic measure related to savings with an upper quartile target, however, as comparative data was not yet available for other authorities the outturn position for the measure would not be known until July


§               Revenues and Benefits - of the 5 targets only 4 had targets of achieving upper quartile performance.  However, as comparative data was not yet available for other authorities, the outturn position would not be known until July.  A baselining exercise had been carried out for the remaining strategic measure relating to customer perception and a 75% satisfaction target agreed for 2009/10


§               The revised Performance Management Framework set out 5 annual cross-cutting strategic measures for RBT.  Of the 5, only 3 applied to the first year of implementation of the new PMF, all of which achieved target.  The remaining 2 were effective from 2009/10


April, 2009

§               All contractual targets had been achieved in Customer Access, Human Resources and Payroll, ICT and Procurement


§               In April, 2009, the average waiting time for face-to-face customers slipped to 89.12% of customers seen within 15 minutes against a target of 90%.  Performance was tracked monthly


§               The footfall within the Customer Service Centres had increased by 21% from April, 2008, with significant increases seen in Revenues and Benefits and 2010 Rotherham Ltd. queries


§               Call volumes were 19% lower than the same period in 2008


§               The Contact Centre had achieved formal accreditation on Customer Service Excellence


§               South Yorkshire Pensions Authority interface was now complete


§               Recruitment Management System was live from 1st April


§               Yourself Version 6 went live in April


§               All targets for ICT were achieved with the exception of ICT04 (faults fixed in agreed timescales).  RBT achieved 93.69% against the 94% target


§               All targets for Procurement were achieved with the exception of the % of orders placed against electronic catalogue framework which achieved 16.41% against a target of 17%


A discussion ensued and issues were raised and clarified on the following points:-


-              an internal performance clinic was to be held on the footfall within the Customer Service Centres

-              the whole of RBT had been successful in attaining Customer Service Excellence although formal confirmation of this had yet to be received. 


Resolved:-  (1)  That RBT’s performance against  contractual measures and key service delivery issues for April, 2009, be noted.


(2)  That the issue of the Revenues and Benefits contact centre and the increased pressure being experienced be referred to the Credit Crunch Working Group.

Supporting documents: