Agenda item

Housing and Neighbourhoods - Priorities for 2009/10

- presentation by Councillor Akhtar


Councillor Akhtar, Cabinet Member for Housing and Neighbourhoods, gave the following powerpoint presentation:-


Key Areas of Responsibility

-              Neighbourhood Management

-              Area Assemblies

-              Strategic housing e.g. private sector housing investment/statutory enforcement powers

-              Housing Management (through 2010 Ltd.)

-              Homelessness

-              Adaptations

-              Sheltered Housing

-              Building Council Housing

-              Community Safety and Safer Neighbourhood Teams

-              Regulatory Function e.g. Licensing and Trading Standards


Achievements 2008/09

-              Achieved 4 out of 4 for Housing CPA Service Block

-              ALMO achieved 2 Stars

-              100% KPIs hit year end target

-              Achieved Customer Service Excellence

-              Achieved Rotherham Business Customer Service Award

-              Delivered 153 new affordable homes

-              Successfully completed a major consultation ‘Council Housing Directions – Have your Say’

-              Implementation of devolved budgets

-              Introduction of PACTs

-              Learning from the successful pilot of Intensive Neighbourhood Management (Chesterhill)

-              Levels of Crime and Disorder reduced by 12%

-              Exceeded the LAA target for reduction of noise incidents

-              Criminal damage reduced by 6.5%

-              Increased attendance at Area Assemblies

-              7% reduction in off-road motor vehicle reports

-              53.5% increase in domestic abuse detections

-              Re-open Crematorium with Dignity

-              Achieved Pioneer Status for Neighbourhood Crime and Disorder

-              Hate Crime/Community Cohesion Service introduced

-              Restorative Justice Scheme for young people introduced

-              Y & H Environmental Enforcement Group – Award commendation (successful Fly Tipping Strategy)

-              Carried out the Council’s Housing Register Review

-              Introduced Local Lettings Policy

-              Reviewed the Council’s Tenancy Agreement

-              Halved the number of people in temporary accommodation

-              Successful CLG bid – Enhanced Housing Options trailblazer programme

-              Delivered 610 major statutory home adaptations within budget

-              Reviewed Sheltered Housing Service

-              Consultation events at 59 sheltered housing centres before introducing a new Charging Protocol

-              Expanded the range of assistive technology available


Issues for 2009/10

-              HRA Business Plan and financial management within the ALMO

-              Future of the ALMO

-              Resources for improving the quality of life within neighbourhoods

-              Delivering major housing programmes such as affordable, PFI, growth targets

-              Perception of crime and disorder


The Year Ahead

-              Review sheltered housing warden role

-              Build new Council housing

-              Introduce Intensive Neighbourhood Management arrangements in areas that would most benefit

-              Learn from and evaluate devolved budget activity to roll out across all Directorates

-              Carry out a value for money study of Neighbourhood Services

-              Drive up standards of Housing Management Services

-              Reduce the fear of crime

-              Carry on the focus of customer service


A question and answer session ensued with the following issues raised:-


§               Elected Members not notified of the new “golden number” in order to contact Neighbourhood Champions

§               Bureaucratic system for Area Assembly devolved budgets

§               The need for a separate Housing Revenue Budget for the building of Council houses

§               Partners not fully participating

§               The need for improved signage to the new Crematorium car park

§               Which cemeteries were the responsibility of Dignity


The Chair thanked Councillor Akhtar for his presentation.

Supporting documents: