Agenda item

Neighbourhood Centres Review Update


In accordance with Minute No. 157 of 2nd March, 2009, the Director of Independent Living submitted a progress report on the above review detailing the findings to date, emerging proposals and recommendation relating to future use.


The review findings to date highlighted that the use of the centres, revenue expenditure and investment required in each centre varied significantly.  Initial findings and recommendations relating to each of the centres were provided in an overview which was attached as Appendix 1 of the report submitted, the details included:-


-           Centre location

-           Ward

-           The facilities available within each centre

-           Condition of the centre

-           Service requirements/usage

-           Risks

-           Rental income, expenditure and the payback period

-           Costs to improve to ensure ‘fit for purpose’ and DDA compliance

-           Initial community comments/concerns/aspirations

-           Other community facilities located within the neighbourhood


63% of all Ward Members, or at least 1 Ward member within each Ward, had attended meetings with the Neighbourhood Centres Manager and Neighbourhood Investment Services to discuss and develop initial recommendations and assess the potential impact of the review findings for each Centre within their Ward.  The issues raised included:-


o                   The importance of the Centres in preventing isolation and social exclusion

o                   Loss of laundry as some bungalows could not accommodate independent washing facilities: in addition reduction of Borough-wide Laundry Service

o                   Further loss of services for aged persons following changes to Meals of Wheels Service, Laundry Service etc.

o                   The rental income exceeded the expenditure on the majority of centres and no visible or recent investment or ringfencing of monies was apparent

o                   Misuse of Centres by Council and 2010 Ltd. operatives

o                   The need to explore the potential to opt out of the charge and service

o                   Support for increased use e.g. NHS locality based services and Safer Neighbourhood Teams

o                   Sensitive letting of void flats and accommodation attached to Centres


Based upon the identified use, investment requirements, revenue expenditure and proximity to other communal facilities, initial recommendations were as follows:-


§                     46 Centres (79%) to be retained and their use maximised – they would be programmed for essential repairs and improvements as per the indicative 15 year investment programme attached at Appendix 2

§                     5 Centres (9%) needed further investigation to determine options for alternative use -

§                     7 Centres (12%) required more detailed consultation to inform recommendations due to the potential for decommissioning – consultation to take place in July


Discussion ensued on the report covering:-

·                    Right to Buy

·                    Implications for sheltered accommodation without communal facilities

·                    Use of decommissioned Centres

·                    Potential of “opt outs”

·                    Funding for refurbishment


Resolved:-  (1)  That the progress of the review to date be noted.


(2)  That it be noted that the 4 indoor schemes were to be reviewed separately with a report submitted at a later date.


(3)  That the report be referred to the Cabinet Members for Adult, Social Care and Health and Economic Development, Planning and Transportation.


(4)  That an all Member Seminar be held in due course.

Supporting documents: