Agenda item

Development Proposals


Resolved:- (1) That, on the development proposals now considered, decisions be recorded as set out in the schedule now submitted and the requisite notices be issued (a copy of this schedule, together with the schedule of decisions made under delegated powers, will be made available when the printed minutes are produced).


(2) That the time limits specified in Sections 91 and 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 apply to the decisions referred to at (1) above.


In accordance with the right to speak procedures, the following people attended the meeting and spoke about the applications listed below:-


--        Demolition of existing barn and outbuildings and erection of a pair of semi-detached dwellinghouses at Kilnhurst Hall Farm, Glasshouse Lane, Kilnhurst for Mr. G. Schofield. (RB2009/0238)


         Mr. G. Schofield (Applicant)


-        Retrospective application for the erection of detached dwellinghouse with detached double garage (amendment to previously approved under RB2008/0631) at Plot 1, 66 Moorgate Road, Moorgate for Clough Developments Ltd. (RB2009/0648)


         Mr. Halder (Objector)


-        Installation of 2 No. dormer windows to front and extension to existing dormer window at The Bungalow, First Avenue, East Dene for Mr. Kamran Arif (RB2009/0663)


         Mr. K. Arif (Applicant)


-        Application for non-compliance with Conditions 2 (Opening Hours) and 3 (Window Display to be provided at all times) imposed by RB2009/0318 to allow 24 hours opening and no display window to be provided at 97 Main Street, Bramley for Parkcare Homes (No 2) Ltd. (RB2009/0684)


         Mr. J. Mason (Applicant)


-        Erection of a two storey & single storey building comprising 5 No. flats with associated parking and bin store at land to rear 293 Kimberworth Road, Kimberworth for Robinson Court Properties Ltd. (RB2009/0734)


         Mr. J. Cliff (Objector)


(3)  That the Certificate of Lawfulness in respect of RB2009/0218 be granted pursuant to Section 191 of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990.


(4)  That applications RB2009/0238, RB2009/0663 and RB2009/0687 be refused for the reasons listed in the report.  A letter in support of application RB2009/0238 was read out at the meeting.


(5)  That application RB2009/0431 be refused on the grounds that its size, location and design would constitute overdevelopment of the site and have an unacceptable overbearing and overshadowing effect on No. 4 Mansfield Road and be materially detrimental to the amenities in the area.


(6)  That applications RB2009/0499 be granted for the reasons adopted by Members at the meeting and appended to the minutes and subject to the relevant conditions listed in the report along with an additional condition relating to protective barrier fences around trees.  A late letter of representation objecting to this application was read out at the meeting.


(7)  That application RB2009/0500 be granted for the reasons adopted by Members at the meeting and appended to the minutes and subject to the relevant conditions listed in the report with a request that sample materials for external surfaces to the building be submitted for approval by the Planning Board.


(8)  That application RB2009/0527 be granted for the reasons adopted by Members at the meeting and appended to the minutes and subject to the relevant conditions listed in the report along with an additional condition relating to protective barrier fences around trees.


(9)  That applications RB2009/0616, RB2009/0617, RB2009/0648, RB2009/0684 and RB209/0723 be granted for the reasons adopted by Members at the meeting and appended to the minutes and subject to the relevant conditions listed in the report.


(10)  That application RB2009/0675 be granted for the reasons adopted by Members at the meeting and appended to the minutes and subject to the relevant conditions listed in the report along with an additional condition relating to protective barrier fences around trees.


(11)  That application RB2009/0734 be granted for the reasons adopted by Members at the meeting and appended to the minutes and subject to the relevant conditions listed in the report along with an additional condition relating to protective barrier fences around trees.  Two late letters of representation objecting to the application were read out at the meeting.

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