Agenda item

Scrutiny of Crime and Disorder Partnerships, Police and Justice Act 2006


Consideration was given to a report presented by the Head of Scrutiny and Member Support which advised Members of the Government’s intention to commence Sections 19 - 21 of the Police and Justice Act, 2006 by 30th April, 2009 and highlighted the implications for scrutiny in Rotherham.


The provisions extended the remit of Local Authorities to scrutinise the functioning of the local Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships (CDRP) in England from the 30th April, 2009. 


The provisions also put in place arrangements that ensured every Local Authority had a committee with power to review and scrutinise and make reports or recommendations regarding the functioning of the responsible authorities (local authorities, fire and rescue authorities, police authorities, the police, primary care trusts in England) which comprised a Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership. The arrangements for this had been made here in Rotherham and it was the responsibility of this Scrutiny Panel to carry this out.


The Police and Justice Act, 2006 also made provision for the Councillor Call for Action (CCfA) which gave Members a new right to raise matters of local concern with their Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Overview and Scrutiny Committees could then decide whether to use their powers to investigate the issue.


CCfA was, therefore, a valuable tool in equipping Councillors to act as powerful advocates for the communities they served and to strengthen still further their role as community champions.


The regulations also allowed the Crime and Disorder Committee to co-opt additional members to serve on the Committee. These co-optees could be specialists in particular areas and bring great value and expertise to the Committee’s work.  Members could, therefore, be co-opted in accordance with the Regulations, which allowed a committee to co-opt additional persons, but it would be up to the Committee to decide whether they should have the right to vote.


It was noted that a protocol was being developed at a local level with the Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership with work taking place with the Area Assemblies, through the Co-ordinating Groups.  Involvement of this Scrutiny Panel in this process was welcomed.


Discussion ensued on the provisions within the Police and Justice Act, 2006 and the suggestion that someone from the Police Authority be co-opted onto the Committee.  This Scrutiny Panel was fortunate in that one of its own Panel Members was also a Member of the Police Authority.  In this event it was suggested that co-options only be sought for specific areas of work requiring certain expertise.


It was also noted that every effort should be made not to duplicate some of the work being undertaken by the Police Authority themselves.


Added value could be given to the commitment to changing culture at an early age and delivered through the education system.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the information and guidance be noted.


(2)  That Councillors Austen, Currie, J. Hamilton, Johnston and Littleboy be invited to assist in the development of the protocol of working with the Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership.


(3)  That co-optees onto this Scrutiny Panel only be sought for specific areas of work requiring certain expertise.

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