Agenda item

Scheme of Delegation


The Director of Housing and Neighbourhood Services presented a report advising of the changes made to the Scheme of Delegations for Neighbourhoods and Adult Services.


The Scheme allowed for an appropriate level of decision making with the Directorate Management Team (DMT) acting as the framework for ensuring consistent decision making across the Directorate so that all Directors worked towards the same vision and same management directives. 


The Service Performance Team had worked with Directors to update the documents and, as a result, had changed the hierarchy of the documentation to achieve greater alignment with the structure of the Directorate and hopefully therefore creating a better understanding of the Scheme.


The Strategic Director of Neighbourhoods and Adult Services functions had been encompassed into 1 document to span the entire Directorate.  The statutory role of the DASS was also shown in the new structure, as it was a statutory requirement.  The individual delegation of powers to Officers Schedule B sat under the Neighbourhoods and Adult Services Function document and reflected the recent changes in the Department’s structure.


The Scheme was divided into the following 4 schedules;-


-              Schedule A: The ‘functions’ document which detailed the functions covered by the Directorate and who was responsible for them e.g. Cabinet, Cabinet Member, Strategic Director or Service Director. This document also listed all the legislation covered within the function under the Schedule of Powers Act


-              Schedule B: The statutory role of the Director of Adult Social Services which detailed the statutory requirements placed on the Strategic Director of Neighbourhoods and Adult Services by the Government


-              Schedule C: The ‘delegation of powers to officers’ document which provided details of the work of each Department within Neighbourhoods and Adult Services together with the individual officer responsible for each area of work.


Resolved:- That the revised Scheme of Delegation be noted.

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