Agenda item

Restructuring of the Programme Area

- report to follow


The Executive Director of Housing and Environmental Services submitted the proposed new structural arrangements for the Programme Area.


Extensive consultation had taken place in relation to the proposed structures since May, 2004.  The proposed arrangements presented a radical reconfiguration recognising the significant progress made to improve quality of services and to address the challenges facing the Council in the medium term.


The structures would:-


-           Enable a smooth transition to an Arms Length Management Organisation (ALMO) for housing management services

-           Support the development of Borough-wide neighbourhood management arrangements

-           Provide the Council with an improved infrastructure to deliver Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy (NRS)

-           Strengthen the community planning arrangement

-           Support the community leadership role of Ward Members

-           Mainstream Area Assembly activities

-           Strength the Programme Area’s approach to regulation and develop neighbourhood standards

-           Deliver long term waste strategy.


Re-naming of the Programme Area was required to reflect the new role and consultation with the Council.  It was suggested that it should be called “Neighbourhoods”.


The Council had made a number of decisions since August, 2003, which had had structural implications and had influenced the thinking behind the proposals including the decision to set up an ALMO and the transfer of responsibilities to support Area Assemblies, neighbourhood management and the implementation of the Council’s contribution to the Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy with effect from April, 2004.


The contribution of the Programme Area towards the Council’s vision for Rotherham had become much clearer and a new mission had evolved reflecting the strengths of the Service:-


“Building Sustainable Neighbourhoods”

A place to live, where people have choice, quality and aspiration


The new structures were set out in Appendix 1 of the report submitted together with a brief description of some of the key challenges facing each Service Area.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the proposed new structural arrangements for the Programme Area be approved.


(2)  That the Cabinet be asked to recommend to Council the renaming of the Housing and Environmental Services Programme Area to “Neighbourhoods Programme Area”.


(3)  That the report be referred to the September meeting of the Environment Scrutiny Panel for information.

Supporting documents: