Agenda item

2010 Rotherham Ltd. Improvement Plan


Jane Davies-Haire, Landlord Relations Manager, presented the latest version of the Improvement Plan which had been approved by 2010 Rotherham Ltd.’s Board on 7th October 2009. 


The report also proposed that the current management agreement was extended to 30th June, 2011, three months later than previously recommended.


Meetings had taken place between the Council and 2010 Rotherham Ltd. to establish clear targets which had resulted in the submitted Plan.  It was proposed that quarterly monitoring meetings be held between key managers in RMBC and 2010, following which reports (by exception) would be submitted to the Cabinet Member.-


Tenants’ priorities had been identified through the STATUS Survey and test of opinion surveys and feedback from tenants’ events.  They fell into the following 6 Themes:-


Theme 1         Address tenants’ and leaseholders’ priorities for improvement

Theme 2         Achieve the standards expected of top performing organisations

Theme 3         Make a unique contribution to Rotherham’s priorities, particularly

                        The Safe and Proud themes

Theme 4         Ensure all services are well governed and well managed

Theme 5         Ensure strong financial management processes are in place

Theme 6         Deliver value for money, making excellent use of resources


The next STATUS Survey was not due to be repeated until October, 2010, so 2010 Rotherham Ltd. had requested that it be carried out earlier.


The Council and 2010 Rotherham Ltd. would ensure customers were involved in carrying out reality checks and monitoring progress against the Plan.  Progress reports would include an analysis of risks.


It was also proposed that the current management agreement be extended to 30th June, 2011.  The three month extension (the previous report recommended an extension to 31st March, 2011) recognised the additional time taken to agree the Plan, and recent changes to the ALMO’s senior management team.


Discussion ensued on the Plan with the following issues raised:-


-              Out of the 58 outcomes, 12 were on red, 36 amber and 10 green.  How much confidence was there that they would lead to an improved, sustained and efficient organisation? 

-              The status of the Plan showed a degree of self-awareness.  2010 were confident they would be able to deliver and would be monitored every quarter

-              5.4 stated that financial reports were timely and reliable and clear – the test would be whether they identified at an early stage problems that enabled management action to be taken

-              5.3 stated that 80% of all budget holders receive training – all budget holders should receive training

-              Issues around access need to be strengthened

-              Very poor publicity for the new “golden” number

-              Concern expressed regarding the amount of money spent on consultation by 2010 and the number of red and ambers in the Plan.  Was there long enough for them to turn green?

-              How close were the ambers to green or ambers to red?  What was the direction of travel?


Resolved:-  (1)  That the Improvement Plan, attached at appendix 1 of the report submitted, be noted.


(2)  That 2010 Rotherham Ltd. submit to this Panel information as to how sustainable/achievable the Plan was.


(3) That the Chief Executive of 2010 Rotherham Ltd. and the Board Chair be requested to attend the January meeting of this Panel to discuss the Plan further.

Supporting documents: