Agenda item

Progress of Performance Clinics into Joint Disability Equality Scheme


Consideration was given to a report in respect of the progress of Performance Clinics into Joint Disability Equality Scheme (JDES).


At the Scrutiny Panel meeting on 4th December 2008, the Panel expressed concern at the lack of progress being made in respect of the JDES.


An initial clinic was held on 18th May 2009 with a follow up clinic being held on 30th September 2009.  It transpired that there had been no single point of contact within the council on the JDES since March 2008.  The Community Engagement Cohesion Manager commented that responsibilities needed to be split between directorates with directorates and user groups communicating effectively.


The JDES contained numbers actions, grouped thematically within six ‘Strategic Aims’ in order to run and deliver services to improve the lives of disabled people. 


The Disability Network was to include representation of all groups including physically disabled, people with mental health problems, having learning disabilities, older and younger people and people from BME communities.


At the May performance clinic it was recognised that there had been a collapse of several important networks due to funding issues and there was still a need to re-establish the disability group of users and voluntary groups who would engage with officers.


Discussions had taken place regarding the Disability Network membership and a request had been made to view the database.  This had been refused due to data protection issues and the following suggestions were made as an alternative:-


  • That the Council contact people direct to ask them if their details may be passed on
  • NAS had its own database of user forums which was up to date
  • That visitors to the Fair’s Fayre be added to the database and asked at the time if they were happy for their details to be shared.


It was confirmed that Voluntary Action Rotherham had the contract from the Council to manage the LINk (Local Involvement Network) which had an extensive membership which may be a way forward in terms of co-ordinating the work.


Another strategic aim was to set up a Centre for Inclusive Living in Rotherham and to work with other organisations to achieve this.


At the performance clinic in September there had been some discussion around this and it was suggested that an imaginative solution to this would be to include carers, advocacy and disabled people as part of the continued modernisation of social care.  Discussions were in progress about whether there needed to be an actual facility to accommodate this or whether it could be a virtual service.


It was suggested that the ongoing work in relation to the Centre for Independent Living be brought to a future meeting of the Scrutiny Panel.


The Scrutiny Officer reported that the next JDES meeting would be taking place on Wednesday 13th January 2010 at 9.00 am at the Council Offices at Doncaster Gate and all partners would be invited to attend.


Resolved:- (1) That the Panel’s concern about lack of progress on the JDES be noted.


(2) That Councillor Sharman, Chair of the Performance Clinic be invited  to report on progress made in early 2010.

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