Agenda item

Corporate Workforce Strategy 2009-12 - six monthly update


The Assistant Chief Executive (Human Resources) submitted a progress report on activity within the Corporate Workforce Strategy together with an update on development of new Indicators for workforce issues, preparation for the KLOE 3.3 in Use of Resources and findings from the audit of workforce planning.


The Strategy had been refreshed in May, 2009 to take account of the changing economic climate, CYPS issues, employee opinion feedback, year end workforce data, health and safety priorities and a gap analysis against the Use of Resources KLOE 3.3.  Further projects had since been agreed in relation to the efficiency agenda and issues within CYPS together with implementation of an emergency planning skills audit.


The current National Local Government Workforce Strategy (2007) was being revised and to be re-launched in 2010.  Early indications were that the 5 priority themes would remain, although the revised emphasis would reflect current pressures facing local government, with more emphasis on:-


-        Organisational Development – new ways of working, citizen focus, partnerships and value for money

-        Leadership – visionary leadership, built through partnership with other agencies and Elected Members

-        Skills – raising employee skill and knowledge levels, enabling innovation, high performance and multi-agency skills development

-        Recruitment and Retention – career progression, talent management, re-skilling, succession planning in support of efficiency programmes whilst still promoting local government working and addressing skills shortages where external advertising took place and supporting employability agendas

-        Pay and reward – modern pay structures, control of employment costs, total reward


The above were already clear within the Council’s current Strategy, however, the change in emphasis clearly reinforced the expectation on services to pro actively manage their people resources alongside service development and planning.


The current Use of Resources assessment in operation at the time of this review did not include KLOE 3.3 which related to how the organisation planned, organised and developed its workforce to achieve strategic priorities.  However, KPMG had agreed to pilot the assessment with the Council.  A position statement had been reviewed by KPMG and feedback was being used to inform preparations for next year’s assessment.  Feedback had not highlighted any major gap areas, however, it was clear that the Council would have to both evidence how it was addressing major workforce issues and seeing outcomes, both corporately and within Directorates.


Most actions within the Strategy were either on track or had been completed.  The actions that were either delayed or may carry forward into 2010 were set out in the report submitted.


Given the assessment of workforce planning in the revised Use of Resources assessment (and best practice), it was imperative that managers were supported to carry out quality workforce planning including the expectation of the Audit Commission key lines of enquiry.


The annual audit of workforce planning was currently in progress.  The mini audit of workforce issues in service plans in April/May, 2009, and initial indications from the more detailed audit were that further attention was required to the systematic performance management of workforce issues, to support service development and transformation including a clear focus on future issues.


Work was in progress with Service Planning lead officers and Directorate workforce planning leads to review how workforce issues were integrated with service planning.  Revisions were likely to be made to the workforce planning framework to simplify the approach for managers.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the progress and achievements against 2009/12 targets and potential for work being carried forward into 2010/11 be noted.


(2)  That the progress on the new suite of workforce indicators and the pilot Use of Resources KLOE 3.3. assessment be noted.


(3)  That Directorates respond to the outcomes of the audit of their workforce plans.

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