Agenda item

Adult Services Capital Monitoring Report 2009/10


Mark Scarrott, Finance Manager (Adult Services) presented the submitted report which informed members of the anticipated outturn against the approved Adult Services capital programme for the 2009/10 financial year.


Actual expenditure to the mid February 2010 was £464k against a revised programme of £1.2m for 2009/10. The approved schemes were funded from a variety of different funding sources including, unsupported borrowing, allocations from the capital receipts, Supported Capital Expenditure and specific capital grant funding.


A brief summary of the latest position on the main projects within each client group was provided.


Older People


The two new residential care homes opened in February 2009. The balance of funding (£230k) related to landscaping costs, outstanding fees and the cost of any final minor works.  


The Assistive Technology Grant (which included funding from NHS Rotherham) was being managed jointly and was being used to purchase Telehealth and Telecare equipment to enable people to live in their own homes. A procurement plan to spend the remaining NHSR funding was currently being finalised and woud now be procured in 2010/11. The RMBC funding was approved and included the purchase of lifeline connect alarms, low temperature sensors and fall detectors within peoples homes.


A small element of the Department of Health specific grant (£13.5k) issued in 2007/08 to improve the environment within residential care provision was carried forward into 2009/10.  The remaining balance of funding was being spent within in-house residential care services.


Learning Disabilities


The small balances of funding (£10k) carried forward from 2008/09 were to be used for the purchase of equipment for Parkhill Lodge and within existing supported living schemes.


The refurbishment at Addison Day Centre (Phase 2) was now complete and awaiting final invoices.


Work had now started on the refurbishment of the respite centre at Treefields funded from the Councils Strategic Maintenance Investments fund and would be completed in early May 2010. 


Mental Health


A small balance remained on the Cedar House capital budget and would be used for the purchase of additional equipment.


A large proportion of the Supported Capital Expenditure (SCE) allocation had been carried forward from previous years due to difficulties in finding suitable accommodation for the development of supported living schemes.


Suitable properties continued to be identified and spending plans were being developed jointly with RDASH.  The possibility of funding equipment purchased for direct payments was also being considered to reduce the current pressures on the mental health revenue budgets. Further options were also being considered to provide more intensive supported living schemes with a range of providers and to fund a range of new assistive technologies for mental health clients, which would support their independence with access to 24 hour support.


Management Information


The balance of the capital grant allocation (£85k) for Adult Social Care IT infrastructure was carried forward from 2008-09 and used with this years grant allocation (£92k) to fund the Adults Integrated Solution as part of introducing electronic care management. The integrated solution would be fully completed by the end of March. The next stage of developing the IT infrastructure to improve systems and data quality was currently being discussed and the balance of funding would be carried forward into 2010-11. 


Resolved:- That the Adult Services forecast capital outturn for 2009/10 be received and noted.

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