Agenda item

2010 Rotherham Ltd. Improvement Plan


The Director of Housing and Neighbourhood Services presented the first quarterly monitoring report for the 2010 Rotherham Ltd. Improvement Plan which covered Quarter 3 (October-December, 2009).


Of the 62 actions within the Improvement Plan:-


-        12 actions had been completed in or ahead of time

-        33 actions were progressing in line with timescales

-        10 actions were progressing but with some concern for timescale

-        7 actions were behind schedule.


In general, the main reason for failure against the targets appeared to have been unrealistic dates set by 2010 Rotherham Ltd.  All actions showing as red were expected to be reported as green (progressing in line with timescales) or completed by the end of March, 2010. 


Tess Butler, Business Support Director, and Graham Eades, Interim Chief Executive, were also present to answer any questions.


Discussion ensued with the following issues highlighted:-


-              Comments made at the 29th October, 2009, Panel meeting (Minute No. 47 refers) had been incorporated into the Plan


-              2010’s Performance and Improvement Team monitored the Plan as well as officers within Neighbourhoods


-              When a member of the public rang the golden number their query should be dealt with by the operative or transferred to the appropriate person, not given a further telephone number to ring


-              Although the progress was to be welcomed, it was concerning that nearing the end of the contract there were still 10 actions that were of some concern and 7 behind schedule


-              The latest figure for void properties stood at 268.  This included 80 properties which had been with the Council awaiting decisions around investment (this now currently stood at 40) 


-              Monthly meetings took place between Neighbourhoods, EDS and 2010 regarding those properties requiring major investment.  The properties were discussed and individual plans developed


-              There was also a lot of work taking place regarding rent collection and historical rent arrears


-              The average turn round time would increase, not due to a decrease in performance, but the inclusion of the longer term void properties


-              2010 were currently letting 45 properties each week


-              The introduction of the Under Occupancy Policy would impact on re-let times and create additional voids


-              There were a number of properties being held empty whilst awaiting Decent Homes works.  That approach had now been adjusted and properties were considered on their individual merits


-              The Plan included a number of issues around Financial Regulations and Governance, Value for Money and training.  A lot of the work was around the financial sustainability of the company not least the externalisation programme of the Repairs and Maintenance Service.  The other issues related to the end of the Decency Programme and the implications thereof


-              As part of the externalisation process, the Training Department had invited all operatives to present their qualifications; an Assessment Centre was to be convened for those that did not have them.  Efficiency levels had to be improved so as to make the In House Service Provider competitive and able to bid for the new contract.  30 apprenticeships would be brought forward and taken into the labour market.  There were too many apprentices in some areas and not sufficient in others so they would be multi-skilled to guarantee their employment going forward


-              Apprentices currently received a 4 year contract to NVQ3 level; if they did 2 trades they were trained to 2 NVQs


Resolved:-  (1)  That the content of the Quarter 3 progress report (Appendix 1), and the remedial actions being taken by 2010 Rotherham Ltd to complete the 7 ‘off target’ indicators be noted.


(2)  That any updates be submitted to the Panel.

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