Agenda item

February Revenue Budget Monitoring Report


Nichola Streeton to report.


Consideration was given to a report presented by Nichola Stretton, Finance Manager, which detailed the performance against the revenue budget for the Environment and Development Services Directorate as at the end of February, 2010 and provided a forecasted outturn for the whole of the 2009/10 financial year.


The report reflected the position against budget for the period 1st April, 2009 to 28th February, 2010 and a summary was provided of the projected 2009/10 revenue position for the Directorate.


The key pressures for Culture and Leisure Services contributing to this position included staffing costs in Theatres (£63k) and the payment for South Yorkshire Archives (£18k).  These pressures were being offset by an underspend on staffing in Museums (£55k-).  Additional minor savings across the Service amounted to £2k-.


Overall Library Services were forecasting an underspend (£54k-), which was due to effective budget management and as a result of the imposed moratorium.


Pressures within Sports and Recreation included solicitor costs (£18k), operational costs at the Stadium (£22k), unrecovered debts (£64k),and loss of income within Countryside budgets (£30k), but the delay in opening Clifton Park was partially offsetting these pressures (£59k-), as were savings in pay across the service area (£42k-).  Tourism projections were to overspend by £8k due to subscription costs.


Pressures within Libraries Management were being offset by staff vacancies, materials fund savings and an expected reduction in RBT charges, therefore, reporting an underspend of (£64k-).


The Service was continuing to work to achieve the savings offered in the 2009/10 budget.


It was noted, however, that there was an underspend on Third Party Funding of £20k, which would be requested to be carried forward and was earmarked for the delivery of Service within the Area Assemblies.  An explanation regarding the origination of this fund, responsibility for its devolvement and the criteria and its use was provided.


A proposal had been made to offer part of the Museum Insurance monies post Floods 2007 to mitigate pressures within Environment and Development Services.  This would be reduced if the out-turn position improved.  A detailed report would, therefore, be presented to Cabinet Member for Cultural Services and Sport, outlining the risks of this proposal.


Discussion ensued on the transfer of responsibility and criteria for the Third Party Funding and it was suggested that a report be submitted to the Cabinet Member in June, 2010 setting out what the fund had been used for in the past, its use for the future and the criteria to be met.


Reference was also made to the unbudgeted costs at Ulley Country Park for security and the loss of Swinton swimming pool resulting in an income shortfall in relation to district heating.  It was noted that Thrybergh Country Park café was now up and running following its extension and was proving to be very popular.


Discussion also took place around the staffing costs in Theatres, two of which were unavoidable and one that was being pushed for an early resolution.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the current forecast year end outturn position of an overspend of £246,000 for the Environment and Development Services Directorate based on expenditure and income to 28th February, 2010 be noted.


(2)  That a report be submitted to the Cabinet Member for Cultural Services and Sport during June, 2010, setting out in detail information relating to Third Party Funding.


(3)  That this report be referred to the Regeneration Scrutiny Panel for information.

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