Agenda item

Boston Castle Grove Residents’ Parking Scheme - Public Consultation


Matthew Lowe, Engineer, to report.


Consideration was given to a report which informed the Cabinet Member of objections to the proposed Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) on Boston Castle Grove and Boston Castle Terrace relating to the introduction of a Residents’ Parking Scheme.


In outline, the parking scheme sought to introduce parking restrictions on Boston Castle Grove and Boston Castle Terrace to ensure the free and safe movement of all traffic.  Currently parked vehicles could cause access problems to large vehicles and due to the width of the road, vehicles were frequently parked on the footway.


At the request of the Chair of the Boston Castle Park Project Board, a meeting had been held between Ward Members, Residents and Officers from the Transportation Unit to discuss residents concerns to the scheme.


The TRO for the proposed residents’ parking scheme was advertised on 18th December 2009 and six weeks were given for any objections to be made.  At the same time a letter was sent to all properties on Boston Castle Grove and Boston Castle Terrace containing a copy of the notice and plan of the proposed scheme.


A total of six objections were received in response to the notice and letter and these were summarised as follows:


  • It was suggested that Thomas Rotherham College be provided with a new access point directly off Moorgate Road.  Confirmation was given that Thomas Rotherham College had already applied for planning permission for an additional access directly off Moorgate Road which had been refused partially on the grounds that the additional access “would introduce a further point of potentially conflicting vehicular turning movements in the busy classified road to the detriment of the free and safe flow of other traffic”
  • Two residents objected as they had no off road parking and it would prevent them from parking outside their house during the day.  In addition the proposed residents’ only parking spaces were too remote from their house and would exacerbate problems that they currently had with vandalism to their vehicles.
  • One resident objected stating that the problems were caused purely as a result of Rotherham Thomas College.  Also they commented that waiting restrictions would not solve the problem as these were frequently ignored.
  • One resident raised concern that the proposed scheme would reduce the value of their house by tens of thousands of pounds.
  • One resident objected stating that it was possible to allow parking on Boston Castle Grove and there still be enough room for large vehicles, such as refuse wagons, delivery lorries and buses to pass safely.  Confirmation was given that it was not wide enough along the majority of its length to allow roadside parking and leave enough space for large vehicles.  The road width varied between 4.55m and 4.72m and to allow roadside parking and safe passage of a large vehicle a minimum width of 4.75m was required.


A letter was also received from the Thomas Rotherham College supporting the scheme.


Resolved:- (1) That the objections to the proposed Traffic Regulation Order be not acceded to


(2) That the residents on Boston Castle Grove and Boston Castle Terrace be informed of the results of the consultation


(3) That the Traffic Regulation Order be made and the Residents’ Only Parking scheme be implemented


(4) That the scheme be funded from the Local Transport Plan Integrated Transport Capital Programme for 2010/11.

Supporting documents: