Agenda item

Carers Centre Opening - Update


Chrissy Wright, Director of Commissioning and Partnerships presented the submitted report which detailed the objectives of the Rotherham Carers Centre and the outcomes which were expected as a result of the centres development.


The Carer’s Centre would provide carers in Rotherham with a first point of contact for all enquiries relating to caring.  It would be accessible to all carers from all service areas and would enable them to access information, advice and guidance to support them to continue their role as a carer.


The main objectives of the centre were:


  • To increase awareness and access to carers assessments


o       Increased number of carers’ assessments completed

o       Increased performance against NI 135 – ‘Carers receiving a needs assessment or review and a specific carer’s service or advice and information

o       Reduction in the need to provide care and emergency interventions as a result of the carer reaching crisis point.

  • To identify unknown carers in Rotherham particularly those hard to reach groups


o                   Increased number of carers on the Carers’ Register, Emergency Carers’ Scheme and Carers’ Forum

o                   That the Carers’ Forum was representative of the demographics of Rotherham

o                   That the needs of hard to reach carers group were identified and met

o                   Inclusion of young carers in the centre

o                   Inclusion of carers of people who substance misuse in the centre

o                   That carers information, advice and guidance was provided in the most common community languages and in appropriate formats

  • To increase the number of carers accessing employment, training and volunteering opportunities
    • Carers would gain employment access up to 52 weeks of training through JobCentre Plus
    • Carers would select training available from the centre and attendance will be high
    • Carers would have a greater understanding of caring issues and Personalisation through access to e-learning models
    • Customers would gain employment experience at the centre through the Assess All Areas project contributing to our NI 146 target
  • To provide better access to information and advice
    • Carers would be clear how to access information, advice and guidance in Rotherham
    • Carers would be supported to continue in their caring role by a range of agencies providing specialist professional advice and guidance
    • Carers would be able to access advice and guidance on health and social care issues through the inclusion of specialist services ‘drop in’ sessions


A Service Level Agreement (SLA) was to be set up outlining the specification and performance monitoring information requirements.  The performance of the centre would be monitored and collated using the following techniques:


  • Footfall would be monitored through customer query forms, including why a customer had accessed the centre, equality monitoring information, service area and the outcome of their visit
  • Monitoring the number of carers assessments completed at or referred as a result of carer contact to the centre.  This information would be collated monthly via SWIFT
  • Monthly monitoring of the Carers’ Register, Carers’ Forum and Emergency Scheme ensuring membership was increasing and was reflective of the demographics of Rotherham
  • Follow up forms completed by the drop in agencies for each carer referred to them, to inform us of the outcomes
  • Carer satisfaction surveys
  • Outcome monitoring forms completed by our staff when a carer presents to the centre in crisis, identifying how we have prevented a relationship breakdown between the carer and the cared person and the savings as a result to the local authority
  • Record information requests received from carers via the NHSR Carers Information Leaflets including what information requested, where it had originated from and carer details including equality monitoring information.


The overall management of the centre and staffing would remain within Neighbourhood and Adult Services but would transfer from the development undertaken in Commissioning and Partnerships Directorate to a provider service in the Health and Wellbeing Directorate.


Staff to be based at the Carers Centre would include:


FTE Centre Manager

PTE Carers Forum Coordinator

FTE Administration Officer

3 FTE Carers Support Officers


Consultation had taken place with Carers and stakeholders since July 2009 with 450 comments and suggestions being received and 350 being implemented.  Consultation would continue with carers and stakeholders to ensure that we are continually improving to meet their changing needs.


The centre would be open to carers and stakeholders from Wednesday 28th April 2010, but due to Purdah restrictions the official opening would not take place until Wednesday 12th May.  This would be undertaken by the Adult Services Portfolio Holder Elected Member.


Resolved:- (1) That the objectives and outcomes of the centre be noted.


(2) That the proposed staffing arrangements for the centre and their transfer from Commissioning and Partnerships to Health and Wellbeing be noted 


(3) That the arrangements to open the centre from 28th April 2010 with an official opening by Elected Member Portfolio holder for Adult Services on 12th May 2010 be noted.

Supporting documents: