Agenda item

Difficult to Let Bungalows


The Director of Housing and Neighbourhood Services reported on the impact of the challenges in letting properties that no longer met the requirements and needs of the customers in Rotherham.  The report also identified difficult to let bungalows across the Rotherham area which had been void for over 5 months (during 2009/10) on average and impacted in income and performance.


It was proposed that the Allocation Policy be amended in order to increase accessibility by a wider range of customers and reduce impact on rent lost.  It would give preference to customers who were assessed to benefit from early intervention to access aged persons or sheltered accommodation but, where there was no demand, allow other applicants who met the age criteria and were willing to pay associated charges assigned to the property such as Rothercare or Sheltered charge, be offered the properties.


Currently sheltered properties could only be accessed by applicants aged over 55 years of age and had been assessed to be in priority need due to their health or social circumstances.  A Tenancy Agreement for sheltered properties included visiting Warden and Rothercare facilities and, therefore, applicants accessing such types of tenancies had to demonstrate requirements for such support service.


By not amending the Allocation Policy would mean a continuing impact on voids as well as frustration for applicants who were unable to access such accommodation.  The following amendments were proposed:-


Amendment to the Allocation Policy for Allocating Sheltered Accommodation

The age limit be reduced from 55 to 50 for sheltered accommodation with the following preference order:-


-        Over 50 with an assessed need for the Sheltered Warden Service with Priority Plus status (this would include Council tenants who were under occupied)

-        Over 50 with an assessed need for the Sheltered Warden Service

-        Over 50 who had lesser need and had been assessed for Rothercare but were willing to pay the associated property charges

-        Over 50 who had no medical assessed need but were willing to pay the associated property charges


Amendment to the Allocation Policy for Allocating Accommodation with Rothercare

Properties with Rothercare be let in the following preference order:-

-        An applicant with an assessed need for ground floor accommodation with Rothercare facility with Priority Plus status (this would include Council tenants who were under occupied)

-        An assessed need for ground floor with Rothercare facility in the Priority Group

-        Applicants over the age of 60 in the General Groups who had no medical assessed need but were willing to pay the associated Rothercare property charges


Amendment to Local Lettings Polices

-        Further to the Policy amendment to allow “Aged Persons” accommodation to be allocated to all disabled people assessed as needing a bungalow irrespective of age (Minute No. 120 of 18th January, 2010 refers), 50% of each complex to be solely advertised to older applicants over the age of 60. 

-        The remaining 50% to be advertised to any age group with an assessed need

-        All sheltered complexes and other bungalow complexes with the Rothercare facility have a Local Lettings Policy excluding applicants with any management difficulties


A number of schemes had been identified as typical examples illustrating the impact on void periods.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the amendments to the Allocation Policy set out in report submitted be approved.


(2)  That Local Lettings Policies for all bungalow complexes be approved.

Supporting documents: