Agenda item

Proposed Transfer of Bar Park, Thorpe Hesley


Consideration was given to a report presented by Phil Gill, Green Spaces Manager, which provided an update on work towards the proposed transfer of Bar Park, Thorpe Hesley, from Sheffield City Council to Rotherham.


It was noted that no provision was made in 2009-10 Culture and Leisure revenue budgets for professional costs that would be incurred as a result of the transfer and no alternative funding sources could be identified.


The Green Spaces Manager recently had further discussions with Sheffield City Council to explore whether their expected conveyancing and surveyors fees might be reduced to bring them closer to equivalent fees charged by Rotherham.  Sheffield agreed to meet approximately 50% of their own costs themselves, meaning that the amount they would seek from Rotherham would be around the same as the estimated costs of Rotherham’s own legal and surveyor’s fees.  However, should transfer negotiations become complicated and protracted, they have advised that the amount they would seek to recover from Rotherham would increase accordingly.


The Green Spaces Manager had also sought the views of the Friends of Bar Park Committee regarding their management of the park and they have confirmed their continuing interest in assisting with the future improvement of the park, but they do not feel they have the capacity to take on lead responsibility for day-to-day maintenance and management and were also not aware of any other existing group within Thorpe Hesley that might be able to do so.  However, they suggested that should a Parish Council ever be established for Thorpe Hesley, then such a body might be able to take on the management and maintenance of Bar Park. 


The previous report included an estimated figure of £26,000 for one-off works to make good with liabilities in the park. This was based on estimates obtained in 2001 and increased in line with inflation, but given the passage of time the revised estimate costs had significantly increased to around £91,000. 


Should the site be transferred to Rotherham, then it was expected that the investment needed to achieve the works required would be secured by working in partnership with the Friends of Bar Park to seek external funding and by submitting bids to the Council’s Premises Fund 


The previous estimate of £11,000 for annual maintenance costs was also based on 2001 figures plus inflation and had since been reviewed. 


Given that no capacity has been identified within the local community to take on this responsibility, then should the site be transferred to Rotherham these maintenance costs would need to be absorbed into existing grounds and tree maintenance budgets, noting that this would impact on the level of service provided elsewhere.  In the longer term it may be possible to submit a budget investment paper for an increase in budget to cover the estimated extra cost of maintaining the site, although the current financial situation did not favour such additional investments.


Officers at Sheffield City Council have indicated their support for the transfer of Bar Park to Rotherham.  However, this was not to be confirmed until a final decision was taken by Elected Members there.


Taking on this liability did have consequences for the Council’s Premises Fund and Grounds Maintenance budgets both of which were already over committed. There was no guarantee that the Premises Fund would have the capacity to deliver the necessary site improvements and any commitment from either budget would have consequences for the management and maintenance of other sites in the Borough yet to be determined.


Discussion ensued and it was suggested that further discussion should take place with Rotherham North Area Assembly to ensure they were fully aware of the realistic situation and that a further report be submitted to Cabinet regarding the finance.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the progress towards the transfer of Bar Park from Sheffield to Rotherham be noted.


(2)  That Officers be asked to present a further report to seek formal authorisation for the transfer of Bar Park when sufficient funds have been confirmed to pay for legal and surveyors fees.

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