Agenda item

Culture & Leisure Key Performance Indicators 2009 – 2010


Consideration was given to a report presented by John Finnan, Service Development Officer, which summarised Culture and Leisure performance against key indicators during 2009/10 including:-


·              Comprehensive Area Assessment (CAA) National Indicators (NI’s).

·              Key local performance Indicators (including for DC Leisure and Rother Valley Country Park).   


Culture and Leisure had direct input into seven CAA National Indicators (NI’s) and Rotherham’s performance against these indicators for 2009/10 was set out in the report.


It was noted that the direction of travel against these indicators was largely positive with only minor exceptions to report against:-


·              NI 8 Adult participation in Sport.

·              NI 9 Adult Usage of Libraries. 

·              NI 10 Adult Usage of Museums.


Performance against each of the above indicators did not meet the 2009/10 Service Plan target for a 1% increase over the previous year’s survey. NI’s 8 and 10 did, however, report modest increases of less than 1% (+0.4 and +0.3 respectively) with NI 9 reporting a -0.5% drop.


These indicators were measured by the Sport England/MORI Active People telephone survey completed independently of local authorities. The sports participation and use of museums indicators were sector wide and not limited to measurement of activities and participation at Council owned facilities or events. NI’s 8 – 10 were measures of ‘lifestyle choice’ and targets set against these indicators were ‘aspirational’, reflecting Service Plan objectives for increasing participation, but recognising that lifestyle measures were subject to a complex range of issues that make direct performance management  extremely challenging.


It was proposed to present a more detailed analysis of the issues affecting local levels of participation in sports, active recreation and cultural activities to Cabinet Member for Cultural Services and Sport later in the year.


Culture and Leisure had a set of local indicators which measure the department’s contribution to Corporate Plan priorities and themes. 2009/2010 performance against key local indicators and reference was made to the key exceptions.


In terms of the new leisure centres performance against each of these indicators was positive. Visits to the new facilities well outstripped the old facilities even before the new Maltby facility was opened in February, 2010.  Between April, 2009 and March, 2010 the new leisure facilities attracted an estimated 957,810 visits, a significant increase over the estimated 786,461 visits to the old facilities during their last full financial year of operation. 


There was, however, a reported overall decline in Rothercard transactions at Culture and Leisure facilities, but the data suggested an upward trend at the new leisure facilities. External assessment of the new facilities by the Sport England National Benchmarking Survey (NBS) suggested that the new facilities performed in the higher quartiles against indicators of discount card usage compared with facilities in the same ‘family group’. 


Discussion ensued on the Green Flag Status for Bradgate Park and an update was provided that a further review had been made of the Park since the report had been written.  A response on the outcome was expected during July, 2010.


Reference was also made to Rothercard usage, the costs of administering the scheme, value for money, scheme promotion and how many users had actually used the new leisure facilities.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the report be received and the contents noted.


(2)  That a further report be submitted identifying Rothercard usage at the new leisure centres.


(3)  That six monthly performance reports be submitted in due course.

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