Agenda item

Adult Services Capital Expenditure Outturn Report 2009/10


Mark Scarrott, Finance Manager (Adult Services) presented the submitted report which informed Members of the Capital Outturn against approved budget for Adult Services for the 2009/10 financial year.


The Capital Outturn for Adult Services for the financial year 2009/10 was £645,275 against an approved budget of £1,194,070, resulting in an overall underspend of £548,695.  The main variations from budget were underspends on the landscaping works at the two new residential care homes at Rawmarsh and Dinnington, slippage on assistive technology equipment and developing supported living schemes within Mental Health Services.  This compared with a variance of £175,000 underspend which was previously reported.


The following information provided a brief summary of the Outturn position for each project:


Older People


The landscaping works at the two residential care homes did not commence until the end of March 2010 and therefore expenditure would be incurred in 2010/11 financial year.  The 2009/10 unspent balance would be rolled forward to fund these costs in 2010/11.


The spending profile for Assistive Technology was revised during the year and the balance of unspent funding (£87k) carried forward into 2010/11 to meet future commitments.


There remained a small balance from the specific grant for Improving the Care Home Environment for Older People allocated by the Department of Health to improve the environment within residential care provision.  The grant had been allocated mainly across the independent sector provider and would be fully committed in 2010/11.


Adult Services – Learning Disabilities


Small balances of funding remained for equipment within Parkhill Lodge and supported Living schemes which were not utilised in 2009/10 but commitments had been made against this funding for 2010/11.  The phase 2 refurbishment at Addison Day Centre was completed during the year funded from the Council’s Strategic Maintenance Investment fund.  In addition a programme of refurbishment at Treefields Close respite unit commenced in February and completed in May 2010.


Adult Services – Mental Health


A large proportion of the Supported Capital Expenditure (SCE) allocation had been carried forward due to difficulties in finding suitable accommodation for the development of supported living schemes.  Suitable properties were being explored, and revised models for providing supported living services continued to be developed.  Fabric alterations to premises for older people with mental health problems, services for Carers and developments in relation to Direct Payments had been assisted by the MHSCE.


Spending plans were being developed for 2010/13 with our partner, NHS Rotherham in relation to Intensive Supported Living schemes, the use of Telecare/Assistive Technology solutions for people of all ages with mental health problems which would allow people to live in the community with access to 24 hour support, the development of Dementia Cafes, the development of services for people under 65 years with dementia, user led service developments to assist people into employment and to provide peer support and continuing to support capital developments around Direct Payments.


Management Information


The Social Care IT Infrastructure grant was used during the year to fund the Adults Integrated Solution and the development of Electronic Social Care Records.


A discussion ensued about the need to refine processes to make it easier for social workers to access equipment to aid people to live at home. The Strategic Director confirmed that a meeting would be taking place in July with colleagues from North Yorkshire to discuss what systems they used and how these may assist our staff.  The Cabinet Member requested that a report be brought to a future meeting on proposals for improvements after this meeting had taken place.


Resolved:- (1) That the unaudited 2009/10 Capital Outturn report for Adult Services be received and noted.


(2) That a report be brought to a future meeting following a meeting with North Yorkshire as detailed above.

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