Agenda item

Rotherham Green Space Strategy - Consultation and Finalisation


Consideration was given to a report present by Phil Gill, Green Spaces Manager, which set out details of the consultation on the Green Space Strategy which had taken place with a range of stakeholders.  Principal issues arising from this, along with proposed responses, were set out in the report with changes having been made to the Strategy document as a result.  Subject to these being agreed, the Strategy could now be forwarded to Cabinet for formal adoption.


Findings are also presented from a pilot study which explored how sites that could be surplus to requirements might be dealt with.


The consultation draft of the Green Spaces Strategy was approved by Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Development Services on 16th February, 2009.  A programme of consultation then started in June, 2009 and continued through to March, 2010.  This period was longer than originally planned due to staff shortages through the second half of 2009.


A wide range of stakeholders have been invited to comment on the Strategy, including Elected Members, park friends groups, parish and town councils, activity groups, statutory and non-statutory environmental bodies, local partners, major green space land owners, Council officers, neighbouring local authorities and local residents.  A good number of responses were received, with most of the responses being largely supportive of the proposed vision, aims and objectives of the strategy, with a number of suggested amendments. The main issues arising were summarised and were set out in detail as part of the report, but focused on:-


·              Improvements in parks should be backed by funding for ongoing maintenance.

·              Emphasis on the importance of safety measures in green spaces.

·              Concern about possible loss of green space.

·              The role of green spaces in adapting to climate change should be more strongly emphasised in the Strategy.

·              What more can be done to control dogs in parks?

·              Importance to manage green spaces for biodiversity as well as other functions.

·              The Strategy needs to consider more fully possible future green space needs and supply, including for example school sites.

·              What approach to take to standards on non-Council owned green spaces?

·              Ideas to increase/support working with volunteers and Parks Friends Groups.

·              Developing the role and training of Rangers as ‘ambassadors’ for green spaces.

·              Provision for older teenagers.

·              Green space access standards.

·              Rating of outlying green space sites.

·              Site specific comments e.g. new sites, suggested changes to site boundaries, requests that sites be deleted or added to the list of green spaces.


Proposed responses to these issues were provided, but in many cases this included minor revision of the Strategy text to state more clearly how such issues would be addressed. In a very small number of cases, changes have been made to the scope and content of the Strategy in response to comments. For example, some requests were received for specific sites to be added or removed from the Strategy and, where appropriate, these changes have been made.  A request was also received for more detail to be given about how to calculate the amount of new green space that should be provided in new housing developments where demand could not be met by existing green spaces.  Consequently, a formula had been proposed for creating 16 square metres per person expected to live in new homes. 


A pilot study had been undertaken to guide the development of a process for the assessment of candidate sites for possible change of use and to assess their suitability for such treatment.  This examined audited sites in Rawmarsh.  Further work was undertaken to identify smaller maintained green spaces (i.e. less than 0.2 hectares size).  Principal conclusions of this study were:-


·              Few of the audited sites could be disposed of without leading to gaps in coverage (based on the proposed five minute walking distance standard)

·              However, reduction in the size of certain sites might be an appropriate way forward

·              A large number of smaller sites was identified, and a survey methodology proposed for assessing the landscape value of these

·              Considerable officer time would be needed to implement the proposed assessment process to green spaces across the borough.


Further thought was being given to how this work might be carried out as part of the implementation of the Green Space Strategy.


Discussion ensued on the uncertainty surrounding the housing targets given the change in Government, public use of school green spaces, green space sizes and provision for older children (post 13).


Resolved:-  (1)  That the proposed consultation responses be approved and fed back to consultees


(2)  That a further report be taken to Cabinet seeking Members’ endorsement and adoption of the finalised Green Spaces Strategy.