Agenda item

Local Ambition Programme


The Director of Housing and Neighbourhood Services presented a report outlining progress made to date since the above Programme was launched in March, 2010 together with the Neighbourhood Improvement Plans implemented for each of the three Local Ambition neighbourhoods.


The Programme was developed to roll out Intensive Neighbourhood Management into 3 of the Borough’s most deprived neighbourhoods i.e. Ferham, Canklow and East Herringthorpe.  The approach was focussed at Super Output Level (circa 1,000 households in each neighbourhood).  Whilst each neighbourhood was diverse, they all shared very highly concentrated levels of worklessness, deprivation and vulnerability.


The Programme would act as a ‘catalyst’ in the 3 Local Ambition Neighbourhoods ensuring services were delivered which met the needs of local people and local issues.  Since its launch in March, 2010, progress so far included:-


-        Launch events held in each of the neighbourhoods in March/April, 2010 to both inform and engage with key local stakeholders in order to set the vision of the Programme, its aims and highlight the importance of commitment from partner agencies to be actively involved


-        Extensive research and consultations undertaken to establish residents and stakeholders issues and priorities for improvement including:-

o       Over 750 residents surveyed as part of the Household Survey to establish residents’ perceptions, priorities and barriers to employment

o       Local Stakeholder events where over 100 stakeholders were consulted on their views regarding local priorities

o       1:1 interviews with key community stakeholders

o       Classroom activities, consultation and engagement through local priority schools

o       Consultation with 11-19 year olds

o       Various community and voluntary groups

o       Street consultation

o       Consultation with local businesses


-        Findings from consultation presented at local joint Resident and Stakeholder ‘Setting the Priorities” events throughout May, 2010


-        The following priorities have been set for the 3 Local Ambition areas reflecting local need and local issues:-




Priority 1 – A Thriving Neighbourhood

o       Assisting people to get a job

o       Increase volunteering

o       Promoting self-employment as a career option

o       Focussing on 16-18 year olds Not in Education, Employment and Training


Priority 2 – A Stronger Community

o       Promoting cohesion and integration

o       Involving the community in effective and innovative ways

o       Awareness raising of existing service provision


Priority 3 – A Cleaner and Safer Neighbourhood

o       Improving the street scene

o       Addressing road safety concerns

o       Increasing visibility of the Safer Neighbourhood Team

o       Safeguarding and improving the wellbeing of children and young people




Priority 1 – More Confident

o       Promoting and raising awareness of local job, training, enterprising, volunteering and learning opportunities

o       Improving outside perception of young people from the area

o       Raise aspiration and self-esteem of young people


Priority 2 – Better Connected

o       Increasing involvement from the wider community and developing a feeling of community ownership

o       Tackling the negative perception of the area

o       Increasing trust between the community and Council/Service providers


Priority 3 – Cleaner and Safer

o       Cleaner streets

o       Increased visual presence from enforcement agencies and awareness of the SNT

o       Tackling anti-social behaviour (including gangs of young people, alcohol and drugs)


East Herringthorpe

Priority 1 – Better Informed and more aware of Opportunities

o       Promoting local job, training, enterprising, volunteering and learning opportunities

o       Focussed and targeted activity with 16-18 year old NEETs

o       Celebrating success and raising aspiration


Priority 2 – Stronger and more Active

o       Increasing community involvement and engagement

o       Providing Family/Parenting support and promoting healthy lifestyles

o       Improved sport activity and provision


Priority 3 – Cleaner and Safer

o       Improving the street scene and untidy gardens

o       Tackling anti-social behaviour and perceptions of anti-social behaviour

o       Tackling alcohol misuse

o       Increasing visibility, presence and awareness of the Safer Neighbourhood Team


The Plans had been signed off by Yorkshire Forward who were fully supportive of the wider focus of them.  Each Plan had ‘Measures of Success’ setting out the outcomes aimed to achieve through delivery of the Programme which were a combination of perception measures, key outputs agreed with Yorkshire Forward, crime data and value for money.


Newsletters would be delivered by the end of July, 2010, to all households to feedback the consultation findings and explain how/what would be focussed upon and how local people could become involved.


A full evaluation would be undertaken in Autumn, 2011, including a follow-up household survey.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the progress made be noted.


(2)  That the Improvement Plans be approved.

Supporting documents: