Agenda item

Petition regarding the request for traffic calming measures on Westfield Road, Brampton Bierlow

Matthew Lowe, Engineer, to report.

-           to consider a response to the petition.


(Mrs. F. Brown, lead petitioner, attended the meeting and, at the discretion of the Cabinet Member, was allowed to speak in support of the petition.)


The Transportation Unit Manager, presented the above report which detailed the receipt of a 17 signature petition, and 1 associated piece of correspondence, regarding traffic speed/noise and pollution on Westfield Road, Brampton.  It was reported that the residents felt that traffic calming measures were needed to slow traffic down and alleviate the problem of noise.  Also residents felt that a large number of HGV’s contravened the 7.5 weight restriction.


Westfield Road was described as an unclassified minor road with a 7.5 tonne weight restriction running along its length.  The road was bordered on one side by a relatively new housing development (including Cooper Close) and on the other by “brownfield” sites.  Reference was made to the location plan attached to the submitted report.


It was reported that further investigation showed that an Automatic Traffic Counter (ATC) was installed on Westfield Road during May 2009 in order to survey both volume and speed of traffic in this location (a copy of the survey results was attached to the submitted report at Appendix C).   This survey was carried out over a 7 day period (14/05/09 to 20/05/09).  The results of the survey did not show any significantly high speeds, or abnormally high traffic counts, which would suggest a reduction in the current 60mph speed limit.


It was further explained that there was set criteria for the provision of traffic calming whereby a site needed to have at least three fatal or serious injury collisions in a three year period.  As there had been no injury accidents in the previous three years this location did not meet those criteria.  Also traffic calming was generally only appropriate when used on a road with a speed limit of 30mph, or less, and Westfield Road was subject to the national speed limit for a single carriageway road.  To implement traffic calming would necessitate a significant drop in the existing speed limit.


In terms of noise it was also pointed out that in some cases traffic calming measures could make vehicle noise more apparent.  Reference was also made to the European Regulations and Directives from DEFRA in respect of noise mapping and those circumstances whereby the Council is obliged to compensate on noise grounds whereby new roads are constructed or moved closer to residential properties although this did not apply in this case as there had been no change to the carriageway since the housing estate was constructed.


In respect of the use of the road by HGV’s, the traffic count had identified that, over a seven day period, there was an average of 2 goods vehicles per day using the road that were above the weight restriction. However, it is unknown whether these vehicles were driving through the weight restriction or whether they were large delivery vehicles legitimately accessing properties within it.


Reference was also made to the fact that any proposed scheme would need to be in line with the objectives of the South Yorkshire Local Transport Plan, and the associated road safety casualty reduction strategy for improving road safety.  It was reported that in this instance it was not considered that a scheme at this location would contribute significantly to justify investment.


Elected Members present made reference to the following:-


-                      continued increase in traffic volume nationally

-                      the large number of similar locations throughout the Borough

-                      the review of speed limits on A and B classified roads

-                      lack of injury accidents at this location

-                      the criteria and objectives within the 3rd Local Transport Plan

-                      the TRO process – length and cost

-                      enforcement of the 7.5 tonnes weight limit


The lead petitioner, speaking in support of the request, referred to the following:-


-                      aerial photograph evidence

-                      the effect of the noise and pollution on residents

-                      the traffic count dated May 2009

-                      residents’ frustration

-                      noise mapping not carried out

-                      why could the road not be included in the review of A and B classified roads?

-                      how much it would cost to change the signs?

-                      invitation/request for officers to visit

-                      planning conditions re:  hedging/barriers;  proximity of the development to the road


Resolved:-  (1) That the petition to request that traffic calming measures be introduced on Westfield Road not be acceded to.


(2)  That efforts be made to enforce the 7.5 weight restriction on Westfield Road.


(3)  The lead petitioner be informed in writing of the decision and the reasons why.


(4)  That the Ward Members be informed accordingly.

Supporting documents: