Agenda item

Adult Social Care 1st Quarter Performance Report


Chrissy Wright, Director of Commissioning and Partnerships presented the submitted report which outlined the 2010/11 Quarter 1 Key Performance Indicator results for the Adult Social Care elements of the Directorate.  Seventeen KPIs were included in the suite, and of these at the end of Quarter 1, 76% (13) remained on target.


The following four performance measures did not achieve their target at Quarter 1.


  • NI 136 (Vital Signs 3) People supported to live independently through social services (LAA)


At the end of Quarter 1 we were helping 5,666 service users to live at home.  This score included last year’s voluntary sector figures plus service users currently in receipt of an assessed care package. 


To achieve this year’s target we need to help approximately 2,000 extra service users by the end of the year.


An action plan had been developed to meet the target by capturing additional activity such as equipment, assistive technology and signposted services.


A significant increase in performance on this indicator may have an adverse effect on other indicators such as reviews, waiting times and carers.


Discussions had commenced with the Voluntary Sector to develop a commissioned support service for people who contact us, but following assessment did not meet FACS, approximately 3000 per year.


  • NAS 1 (PAF D40) Percentage of service users receiving a review


This indicator was showing off target with a Quarter 1 score of 18.08% against a milestone target of 22.67%.  However, 225 reviews had been completed during Quarter 1 that were still to be authorised and were not counted in the score.  With these included the Quarter 1 score would be 21% which was just under the milestone target.


The roll out of personalised budgets had also had an impact on the rate of reviews undertaken as changes to business processes and the introduction of new forms and IT system changes had been put in place.  This had affected the productivity of social work teams as they adjust to new ways of working.


A performance clinic was held on 29th July and the following actions were put in place:


  • Appoint new Principal Social Worker from August to focus fully on reducing the numbers of unauthorised reviews.
  • Telephone reviews to commence from July
  • Residential and day care providers carrying out individual reviews on their service users (to commence immediately)
  • Revised targets set for social work teams to increase activity and bring indicator back on target by end of 2nd quarter
  • Remedial targets set for each service user group
  • Meeting to be convened with Mental Health to discuss remedial plan to bring performance back on target.


  • NAS 18 Percentage of customers receiving a statement of need


This indicator measures the percentage of service users who had received a current statement of their needs and how these were being met.


Unauthorised review activity had had an impact on this indicator because the statements of need could not be sent out until after authorisation by a Team Manager or Principal Social Worker.  Authorisation of these reviews would put the indicator back on target and this would be addressed by the appointment of a new Principal Social Worker in August.


  • NI 133 (Vital Signs 13) Acceptable waiting times for care packages


Of the care packages put in place during Quarter 1, 27 out of a total of 341 took longer than 28 days from the date of assessment.  Historical problems with waiting lists for day care places and visual rehabilitation (Green Lane Resource Centre) had had an impact on Quarter 1 performance, as some service users assessed in 2009/10 had filtered into the score.  These issues had now been resolved and alternative services were being offered so that we did not hold any waiting lists during 2010/11.


Reports were now being sent out to managers for action on a weekly basis detailing those who were waiting for services and highlighting cases where a service needed to be put in place in the coming week.


A discussion ensued regarding the use of telephone reviews and concerns were raised that this left customers at risk.  Assurance was given that customers were given face to face interviews on alternate years and that consultation was also undertaken with their carers and families as part of the review.


Resolved:- That the results and the actions in place to improve performance be noted.

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