Agenda item

NHS White Paper


John Radford, Director of Public Health gave an update in respect of the NHS White Paper which had been issued by the Government.


He outlined the proposals of the paper which were:


  • To abolish the Primary Care Trusts and Strategic Health Authorities and replace with GP Commissioning Consortium
  • To set up a Public Health Service
  • To put in place Health Improvement Measures to the Local Authority
  • To establish Health and Wellbeing Boards


He confirmed that it was unsure how the inter-relationship would work but this was likely to be clarified in the next few months when regulations were issued.


There would be three pots of money made available to these groups, a small amount for the public health service to make improvements to health and prevention, a large amount for the GP Consortium and another small amount to fund specialist services, such as cancer treatment and heart operations.


A question and answer session ensued and the following issues were raised and clarified:-


  • A concern was raised about how the funding would be administered by individual surgeries.  Confirmation was given that there would probably be one GP Consortium in Rotherham who would be responsible for this and there would be statutory requirements in place for them to work to.
  • A query was raised about what the implications would be for Local Authorities.  It was confirmed that the Local Authority would be taking on more responsibility from the NHS in respect of promoting health for people in Rotherham.  It was not certain yet how funding would be determined or how it would be spent.
  • A query was raised as to whether the GP Consortium would work more closely with the Council than it had in the past.  It was confirmed that this was essential in order for it to succeed.
  • Reference was made to the work already in place in respect of Breastfeeding and Alcohol related illnesses and a query was raised as to why this had gone to the PCT.  It was confirmed that the contracting of services would go to GPs or the Local Authority, but the staffing would come from the Foundation Trust.
  • Concerns were raised about the buying in of services and a question was raised as to whether patients would still be able to choose which hospital they could have their treatment in.  Confirmation was given that this was unlikely to change, and that GPs would also be able to direct patients to services.
  • Reference was made to the Health and Wellbeing Board which was to be created and a query was raised as to what the membership would be for this Board.  A comment was made that this needed to be politically lead but it was not clear as yet, what the exact membership would look like.


Chrissy Wright, Director of Commissioning and Partnerships, confirmed that work was ongoing with regarding to the implementation of the proposals contained within the White Paper.  A meeting had been set up to discuss the GP Consortium and the Health and Wellbeing Board.  She added that further reports would be submitted to the Cabinet Member to keep him up to date with progress being made.


Resolved:- That the information be noted and further progress reports be awaited.