Agenda item

Proposal to extend School Keep Clear markings Traffic Regulation Orders to all areas of Rotherham

Tom Finnegan-Smith, Transportation Unit Manager, to report.

-  to report on a proposal to introduce permanent clearway orders on School Keep Clear markings, in areas of  the borough where they are not already in place, on an area by area phased approach.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Transportation Unit Manager, relating to a proposal to introduce permanent clearway orders on School Keep Clear markings, in areas of the borough where they were not already in place, on an area by area phased approach.


It was explained that a proposal to implement clearway Traffic Regulation Orders on a trial basis on all School Keep Clear markings  in the Maltby Ward and on some in the Hellaby Ward was reported to the Cabinet Member for Environment and Regeneration on 21st May, 2007 (Minute No 301 refers).


The results of this trial were reported to Cabinet Member on 20th April, 2009 (Minute No. 222 refers), following which the trial was made permanent. The same report also recommended that clearway Traffic Regulation Orders be introduced on all School Keep Clear markings across the borough on an area by area phased approach starting with the Wentworth North area, and that the programme for treating the remainder be reported to a future Cabinet Member meeting.


It was reported that Clearway orders had recently been successfully introduced on School Keep Clear markings in Wentworth North and a programme for treating the remainder had now been devised as follows:-




Wentworth Valley and Wentworth South


Rotherham South and Rotherham North


Rother Valley South and Rother Valley West



This programme had been drawn up based on the work undertaken for the joint Children and Young People and Regeneration scrutiny review into road safety outside schools which involved carrying out a risk assessment of all school entrances.  Due to the amount of work and costs involved it was proposed to treat two areas per year.


It was emphasised that the enforcement of waiting restrictions was the key to their success, especially where they were known to be abused on a regular basis, such as outside schools.   Therefore close co-operation between Safer Neighbourhood Teams (SNTs) and the Council’s Parking Services was important if clearway Traffic Regulation Orders were to be extended to other areas as this would stretch the resources of Parking Services further.


Further details in respect of enforcement were set out in the submitted report.


It was reported that it was estimated to cost £50,000 to introduce clearway Traffic Regulation Orders in the remainder of the Wentworth Valley area together with the Wentworth South area.  This would be made available from the Local Transport Plan Integrated Transport Programme for 2011/12.


Each of the remaining areas would cost £30,000 to treat, with two areas, costing a total of £60,000, being treated in each of the subsequent two financial years. It was expected that funding would be made available for these areas from the respective years Local Transport Plan Integrated Transport Programme.


It was pointed out that objections to proposals for the introduction of clearway orders on School Keep Clear Markings may be forthcoming and any objections would be reported to the Cabinet Member.


The success of the scheme in dissuading parents from parking on the markings would depend on parents being informed and aware of the restrictions and the effectiveness of enforcement activity. Under the Council’s decriminalised parking enforcement regime the Council’s Civil Enforcement Officers had responsibility for enforcing these restrictions.


Funding for the 2011/12 Integrated Transport programme was still subject to the final settlement announcements that were expected in December 2010.


Those present referred to specific traffic issues around PFI schools sites and leisure facilities.


Resolved:-  (1)  That Clearway Traffic Regulation Orders be introduced on all School Keep Clear markings, in areas of the borough where they are not already in place, and these be implemented on an area by area phased approach in accordance with the programme, as detailed in the submitted report.


(2)  That the next area in which clearway Traffic Regulation Orders are introduced to cover School Keep Clear markings is the remainder of the Wentworth Valley area, part of which has already been dealt with when clearway orders were introduced in the Maltby Ward and part of Hellaby Ward, and Wentworth South.

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