Agenda item

Dinnington Road / Gildingwells Road, Woodsetts - Proposed raised junction table

Andrew Lee, Assistant Engineer, to report.

-           to report the receipt of objections/concerns in relation to the proposed raised junction table at the crossroads of Dinnington Road and Gildingwells Road, Woodsetts.


Consideration was given to a report, presented by the Transportation Unit Manager, detailing the receipt of objections/concerns in relation to the proposed raised junction table at the crossroads of Dinnington Road and Gildingwells Road, Woodsetts.


It was explained that during the last 3 years a total of 5 reported Personal Injury Accidents had occurred at the junction of Dinnington Road and Gildingwells Road, Woodsetts, which in part had lead to calls from the Parish Council for measures to be introduced which reduce the danger to road users.


As a consequence, a number of traffic calming schemes for the area were produced and presented to the Parish Council in June 2010. From the schemes presented, Woodsetts Parish Council opted for a raised junction table at the crossroads.


The proposed scheme would involve the creation of a 75mm high road hump with 1.2 metre long ramps at the junction of Dinnington Road/Worksop Road/Lindrick Road and Gildingwells Road, intended to reduce vehicle speeds on all approaches to the crossroads, which should improve safety for pedestrians when crossing in the area.


Consultations on the proposals had been undertaken, involving the Emergency Services, Passenger Transport Executive, Local Ward Members, and residents / businesses close to the junction.  From this consultation two objections had been received (one written, one verbal), together with three general comments/concerns, one of which was received from the South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive on behalf of Stagecoach East Midlands. (These were attached as Appendix A to the submitted report).


It was explained that the general concerns raised in the correspondence received either related to the lack of additional traffic calming measures for the rest of the village, or the severity of the proposed junction table.


The Service Area’s response to the point regarding the lack of additional traffic calming features for the rest of the village was that the proposed scheme was aimed primarily at addressing concerns at the crossroads.


In terms of the severity of the proposed junction table, the ramp gradients complied with the Road Hump Regulations and were in accordance with guidelines produced by the Passenger Transport Executive for road humps on bus routes. Considering that the junction table was an isolated feature and the frequency of the bus service (approximately hourly) the scheme was expected to have a minimal impact on the bus service both in terms of potential discomfort to passengers and journey time penalties. 


The scheme was estimated to cost £69,450 with funding for the works coming from the Local Transport Plan Integrated Transport Programme for 2010/11.  However, it was pointed out that the estimated cost was dependent upon the need to divert Statutory Undertakers’ apparatus but this was expected to be minimal.


It was also pointed out that the installation of a single traffic calming feature may not completely reduce the number of reported Personal Injury Accidents taking place at this location.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the objections to the proposed raised junction table be not acceded to.


(2)  That support for the scheme be reiterated and approval be granted for the works to be implemented.

Supporting documents: