Agenda item

Adult Social Care 2nd Quarter (April to September) performance report for 2010/11


Chrissy Wright, Director of Commissioning and Partnerships, presented the submitted report which outlined the 2010/11 Quarter 2 Key Performance Indicator results for the Adult Social Care elements of the Directorate.


The following 10 performance measures had achieved their Quarter 2 targets:


  • NAS 5 Average waiting time for an OT assessment
  • NAS 35 Percentage of homes graded silver or above through Home from Home
  • NI 141 Percentage of vulnerable people achieving independent living
  • NI 142 Percentage of vulnerable people who are supported to maintain independent living
  • NI 146 (Vital Signs 07) Adults with learning disabilities in employment
  • NAS 36 Number of safeguarding referrals
  • NAS 46 Percentage of safeguarding cases substantiated at case conference
  • NI 125 (Vital Signs 04) Achieving independence for older people through rehabilitation/intermediate care
  • NI 145 (Vital Signs 05) Adults with learning disabilities in settled accommodation
  • NAS 41 Percentage of new staff undertaking safeguarding e-learning course within 12 weeks of commencing employment.


The following 7 performance measures did not achieve their Quarter 2 targets:


  • NI 136 (Vital Signs C3) People supported to live independently through social services (LAA)

Performance at the end of Quarter 2 was 2334.36 which was below the monthly control target of 2801.50 and was rated ‘Off Target’ for achieving the year end figure of 3286.


Plans were in place to improve performance which included the following actions:-


o       Age Concern had been commissioned to provide a support service for people who contact us but following assessment did not meet FACS.  1400 potential customers had been identified and this scheme would be included in data gathered for this year’s Grant Funded Services survey which would significantly improve performance.


o       Work was currently ongoing with Neighbourhood Partnerships to capture Service users who had attended community funded services


o       Additional performance to be gained by capturing Service users in receipt of equipment with ongoing maintenance costs.  Work was taking place to capture and record these Service users in Swift.


·        NAS 1 (PAF D40) Percentage of Service users receiving a review

Performance at the end of Quarter 2 was below the control target of 45.62% and was rated “Off Target” for achieving the year end figure of 87%.  Performance so far this year had ‘Improved’ compared to the same period last year.


A performance clinic was held in August 2010 and an action plan was put in place to improve the performance over the remaining months.  An improvement had been made in respect of performance on telephone reviews and Learning Disability reviews.


·                    NAS 18 Percentage of Service users receiving a statement of their needs and how they were being met.

Performance at the end of Quarter 2 was below the monthly control target of 97.29% and was rated “Off Target” for achieving the year end figure of 98%.  Performance so far this year had ‘Improved’ compared to the same period last year.


The Indicator was short of its target by 124 Service users for whom a statement of need had not been sent out following an earlier assessment or review.


·        NI 130 (Vital Signs C12) Percentage of Service users receiving self-directed support

Performance at the end of Quarter 2 was below the monthly control target of 25% and was rated “Off Target” for achieving the year end figure of 50%.


All new Service users within Older People, Physical Disabilities, Sensory Disabilities and Learning Disabilities were offered a Personal Budget as a default position and review of existing Service users were being undertaken to move them over to a Personal Budget.


Mental Health, Occupational Therapy and Rothercare Service users were not currently being offered a Personal Budget, and therefore were not counting towards the score.  This was very significant in Mental Health Service as they supported 1400 service users in the community.  Low take up of Carers Direct Payments was also an issue as there were currently only 13 carers receiving a direct payment out of a total of 370.


A performance clinic was held on 21st October.  Remedial actions included:-


o       Mental Health to commence self-directed support

o       Counting Rothercare reviews

o       Looking at the OT process and capturing OT assessments

o       Delivery against target on reviews


·        NI 132 (Vital Signs C12) Percentage of new Service users assessed within 28 days of first contact with social services

Performance at the end of Quarter 2 was below the monthly control target of 90% and was rated “Off Target” for achieving the year end figure of 90%.  Performance so far this year had ‘Improved’ compared to the same period last year.


The introduction of OT activity, which was included from 12th July, had had the biggest impact on the figures and was the reason for current performance being off target.  A performance clinic had been arranged for 8th December.


The performance of Mental Health was raised at the RDASH monthly performance meeting in October and some actions were put in place to look at data quality issues that may be affecting the statistic.


·        NI 133 (Vital Signs C13) Percentage of new Service users receiving their package of care within 28 days from the date of assessment.

Performance at the end of Quarter 2 was 93.69 which was below the monthly control target of 96% and was rated ‘Off Target’ for achieving the year end figure of 96%.


Of the customers who had received their care package this year, 61 waited over 28 days.


The ‘end to end’ review had commenced, led by Service Directors,  The scope of the review looked at access, assessment, review, support planning and safeguarding.  The review would utilise systems thinking to identify a new structure/process for ensuring all reviews and assessments were carried out within defined timescales by mid November.


·        NI 135 (Vital Signs C18) Carers receiving needs assessment or review and a specific carer service or advice and information

Performance at the end of Quarter 2 was 13.14% which was below the monthly control target of 15% and was rated ‘Off Target’ for achieving the year end figure of 30%


Performance of Learning Disability and Mental Health Services was below average.  The inclusion of OT activity in denominator had meant additional carer assessments needed to be undertaken in order to meet target and was therefore responsible for the deterioration in performance.  This was being addressed by the following actions:-


o       To increase the rate of assessments captured from the Mental Health Carers Teams and capture additional Carers Assessments from the Community Mental Health Teams.  This would contribute towards the Indicator in excess of 20% by the year end.


o       A meeting has been held with Learning Disability Services and they were developing a remedial action plan that would deliver 30% performance by year end.


Resolved:- (1) That the results and the actions in place to improve performance be noted.


(2) That the maintained ‘Excellent’ rating be noted and that all staff be congratulated on maintaining an excellent service to customers during the recent adverse weather conditions.

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