Agenda item

Rotherham Aids and Adaptations Policy


The Director of Housing and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report detailing proposals for reconfiguration of the Council’s Aids and Adaptations Policy highlighting key implications for customers living within the Borough.


Currently the Aids and Adaptations (A&A) Team operated the statutory function of the Council to administer the Disabled Facilities Grant and arrange relevant adaptations to properties within the Borough.  The proposed reconfigured Policy would clarify the Council’s position in terms of both legislative and non-legislative practice.


The Policy was principally aimed to help people remain in their own homes through the provision of equipment and adaptations.  However, adaptations were a last resort and, as such, all alternatives would be reviewed.  The Council must therefore decide whether the applicant’s needs could best be met through:-


-           Adaptations within reasonable cost boundaries

-           Issue of equipment or

-           Re-housing to an alternative adapted accommodation


The main proposals were:-


-        Eligibility for Customers requesting an Adaptation

Eligibility was constrained by law.  The Policy framework would enable the Council to provide a fair and consistent approach to a customer’s request whilst easing pressure on existing housing stock.  Generally customers must either be the named owner or named tenant to be eligible or, in the case of children, the parent or guardian must be the named owner or tenant.  It had been identified that a risk to offering people who were not named would be potential abuse of the system.  Accordingly, the Policy would define immediate family and added stipulations including:-


o             The family member must have been in residence at the property for a minimum of 2 years

o             The main carer of the family member must be the qualifying owner/tenant


-        Agency Fees

There was a 10% fee for every major adaptation to cover the costs of the A&A Team.  Through the Personalisation agenda customers may choose to arrange for the works themselves, however, initial visits and input would be required from the A&A Team.


It was proposed that where a customer chose to arrange works themselves that an administration charge of 5% be applied, deducted directly from the grant.


If the customer required further input from the A&A Team then the full 10% would be charged.


-        Decisions (Customer Choice)

Due to the budgetary limitations combined with the demand for adaptations, the Team would look at all reasonable and practicable solutions to ensure public monies were spent in a cost effective manner whilst maintaining the adaptation meets the customer’s requirements.


For non-Council properties, if there was more than 1 adaptation solution deemed as both reasonable and practicable by the Adaptations Officer, then the most economical would be pursued.  If the customer decided that they would prefer an alternative solution, then the cost of the proposed solution could be used towards the cost of the preferred option with the remainder to be met by the customer.


For Council properties the A&A Team would pursue the most reasonable and practicable solution.  If the solution was refused by the applicant, it would be treated as such and the job cancelled.


-        Grounds for Refusing an Adaptation

o       Under Occupancy – If a customer was under occupying a property adaptations would not be considered unless:-


§         There were no suitable adapted properties within Council stock

§         There were suitable adapted properties within Council stock but the likelihood of availability within a 12 month period was very low


o       Mutual Exchanges

§         A customer residing in an adequately adapted property could not mutually exchange to a property that did not have the specifically assessed adaptive requirements of the customer

§         Must be authorised by the Housing Occupational Therapist as suitable, reasonable and appropriate to meet the customer’s needs

§         If 2 adapted properties were to be exchanged, both must meet the needs of both households


o       Reports not submitted

§         All work needed to fall within the remit of the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996.  All relevant paperwork required for all parties.  Where adherence to the relevant Act had not occurred an adaptation would be cancelled

§         Proof of ownership or occupation required.  If could not be provided then an adaptation would be refused

§         Where a customer had been means tested and required to contribute funds but declined to do so, an adaptation would be refused

§         Consent required by the landlord or owner where the property was not owned by the Council.  If consent was not granted an adaptation would be refused


o       Split Households

§         Where a disabled child (under 16 years or a child in full-time education under 19 years) was concerned, adaptations would only be considered on 1 property, that being the property where the parent with parental control resided.  When deciding on who had parental control the following would be taken into account:-

Who the child resided with primarily

Any Court Orders in place

Who Child Benefit was paid to.


It was noted that the report was also to be submitted to the Cabinet Member for Adult Independence, Health and Wellbeing on 31st January, 2011, for information.


Discussion ensued on adaptations in Council properties and the proposed inability of tenants to pay the cost of additional costs over and above the solution by the Adaptations Officer.  There could be future maintenance costs that the Council would become liable for or it could be purely for cosmetic reasons.  It was felt that there should be flexibility on this issue and such cases considered by a senior officer for decision.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the reconfigured Rotherham Aids and Adaptations Policy be approved for implementation.


(2)  That the possibility of Council tenants paying the difference between the Adaptations Officer’s recommended adaptation and their preferred adaptation be investigated further.

Supporting documents: