Agenda item

Assistive Technology - Update


The Director of Health and Wellbeing submitted an update on the progress to date with regard to the recommendations of the Scrutiny Review of Assistive Technology carried out by the Adult Social Care and Health Scrutiny Panel in October, 2010.


It was reported that a number of significant changes had been made to the delivery of Assistive Technology that addressed issues raised within the Review.  These included:-


-        Appointment of a Dedicated Assistive Technology on a temporary secondment basis to raise the profile of AT and to address some of the issues raised and  also to give a focal point to the provision of equipment so that staff found it easier to provide support easily and without blockages.


-        A series of visioning events had taken place at which the process for recommending AT had been simplified:- This had seen a significant improvement in the numbers of staff who were now considering AT as a viable alternative to reduce expensive care packages.


-        Establishment of a system to monitor and demonstrate the savings that AT could bring:-  It was pointed out that when staff requested AT support they were also asked to detail the provision that they would have made under traditional care packages.  The database showed the savings that had been made by the provision.


-        Change in emphasis during the assessment process:– Staff were being asked to give reasons why they had decided not to recommend AT provision.  This had highlighted the importance of AT and engaged staff in greater deliberation about the provision of support.


-        Identification of simple and direct access to equipment:– A series of cards had been developed (copies provided at the meeting) – Carer Package, Medication Management Package, Epilepsy Package, Environmental Package, Purposeful Walking Package and Falls Package – and allocated to staff.  This was an innovative way of identifying the most frequently allocated packages and had been seen by one of the major providers as an excellent way of raising the profile of AT.


-        Highlighting good news stories with an emphasis on outcomes:– A number of case studies had been circulated to emphasise the personal dimension to successful implementation of support.  They also proved to be an effective vehicle for demonstrating the benefits to the customer.


-        Better use of available information:– A piece of work was to be introduced that would give credible data to demonstrate the benefits of AT provision in one particular area.


-        Prevention of avoidable admissions to hospital and the prevention/delay of admission to long term residential care:– The card scheme placed emphasis on a defined package matrix that clearly identified how assessment for AT equipment could be linked to delaying residential care, supporting the provision of domiciliary care and improving the support that could be given to carers.


-        Provision of information and signposting:– A campaign to raise the profile of AT in Rotherham had commenced with a dedicated AT Week to take place in March


-        Direct involvement of staff in developing AT:– The appointment of the AT Officer now gave an extra resource to research and benchmark equipment


-        Better use of resources:– Financial savings that could be brought out by intelligent allocation of resources


-        Better liaison with Rothercare:– Closer working with Rothercare staff to solve issues relating to the fitting of equipment and identifying exactly how Rothercare would respond to any given alert


-        Development of benchmarking opportunities:– The Regional Assistive Technology Manager for Yorkshire and Humber had provided excellent support


Members present raised and discussed the following:-


-          provision of equipment and how much the client had to contribute and the Council’s criteria

-          bigger equipment needs considered by the Adaptations Service

-          good media coverage

-          simplified procedure to obtain Assistive Technology

-          liaison with the Fire Service, Rother Care and the Council

-          the wide catalogue of equipment now available

-          provision of digital TV for people aged over 75


Resolved:-  (1)  That the Neighbourhoods and Adult Services’ response to the Scrutiny Review, as now reported, be noted.


(2)  That the progress that had been made in delivering assistive technology within Rotherham be noted.

Supporting documents: