Agenda item

RBT Performance Report for December 2010


Mark Gannon, Strategic Commissioning Manager, presented the submitted report which summarised RBT’s performance against contractual measures and key service delivery issues for December, 2010, across the areas of Customer Access, Human Resources and Payroll, ICT, Procurement and Revenues and Benefits.


Key points for this period included:-


Customer Access

-              All performance targets achieved with the exception of the telephony element of CA05 (Contact not Abandoned) which achieved only 59.13% against a target of 90%.  This was a direct result of the severe weather conditions and issues with 2010 Repairs giving rise to unprecedented call volumes.  Total calls for December, 2010 were 99,420 against 59,962 for the same period in 2009

-              To address the increase in call volumes during the severe weather a number of interim measures were implemented to ensure service delivery could be maintained

-              It was anticipated that the Repairs Service would continue to receive high call volumes during January due to an expected surge in customers calling in relation to non-emergency repairs

-              2 complaints received in December; 1 partially upheld and 1 upheld


Human Resources and Payroll

-              All performance targets achieved

-              Server Refresh continuing and the test servers now operating

-              Version 11 of YourSelf now operating

-              HR&P Service invited to a national conference to demonstrate to other PSe users the RMBC self-service customisation



-              All performance targets achieved

-              Business continuity benefits of home working technologies highlighted during December’s heavy snowfalls

-              Out of hours contact number put in place to ensure that Members can get support on ICT matters when the Service Desk was closed

-              1 complaint received and not upheld



-              All performance targets achieved with the exception of PO2 Cheque Requisitions Processed which achieved 98.23% against a target of 98.46%.  This was a direct result of the severe weather with insufficient staff being available to process the requisitions to deadline

-              Former BVP18 achieved 94.47%.  The current year to date position was 95.18%, an improvement on the same point during 2009/10 when performance achieved a year to date figure of 94.38%


Revenues and Benefits

-              Council Tax Collection Rate 82.9% at the end of December, 2010, 0.2% lower than the same point in 2009/10

-              The target for 2010/11 continued to be a Council Tax Collection Rate which placed Rotherham in the upper performance quartile for Metropolitan District Councils with a minimum collection level of 97.0% regardless of quartile position

-              There had been 3,285 Council Tax Liability Orders referred to the bailiff up to the end of December, none of which were classed as a vulnerable case

-              Average number of days taken to action a Council Tax Change of Circumstance was 8.92 days.  This was better than the performance level which the service aimed to achieve i.e. 14 days

-              NNDR collection rate was 87.4% at the end of December, 2010, 1.34% behind the  same point in 2009/10

-              The NNDR collection figure had been adjusted to incorporate the affect of the NNDR Deferral Scheme.  The year end target remained a collection rate which placed Rotherham in the upper performance quartile for Metropolitan District Councils with a maximum collection level of 98.5% regardless of quartile position

-              328 Business Rates Liability Orders had been referred to the bailiff in the current financial year up to the end of December, 2010

-              The number of cases under NNDR Deferral Scheme currently stood at 194 allowing for a deferral of £403,394

-              5 complaints were closed during December; 4 closed not upheld, 1 closed upheld


Discussion took place on the report with the following issues highlighted/raised:-


o             Performance during the period of severe weather

o             VPNs and associated charges

o             IT support for Members

o             Liability Order costs


Resolved:-  (1)  That RBT’s performance against contractual measures and key service delivery issues for December, 2010, be noted.


(2)  That the performance information relating to the severe weather be fed into the Scrutiny Review.

Supporting documents: