Agenda item

Boston Castle

-        Strategic Director of Environment and Development Services to report.


Councillor St. John, Cabinet Member for Culture, Lifestyle, Sport and Tourism, introduced a report by the Strategic Director of Environment and Development Services, which presented the proposal that had been submitted to the Heritage Lottery Fund for their financial support.


The scope of works for Boston Castle had been developed up to RIBA Stage D for the capital works and in line with the Heritage Lottery Fund criteria for the Activity Plan. Both of these elements have been approved by the Boston Castle Project Board for inclusion in the Heritage Lottery Fund submission and focused on:-


·              Restoration of the existing Castle, to allow use for interpretation, functions and meetings.

·              Retention of the western wall of the Victorian extension, but demolition of the remainder and various outbuildings.

·              Erection of a two-storey extension, within the retained western wall of the Victorian extension, that allowed the provision of a platform lift, stairs, toilets, storage and plant rooms and allowed access to the various levels of the Castle.

·              Extensive landscaping work to the Courtyard adjacent to the Castle to form an Event space. This had been the subject of a separate successful application to Biffaward for £50,000.

·              Modifications to the entrance to allow a separate pedestrian access to the park.

·              Provision of car parking in the existing area adjacent to the Bowls Pavilion.

·              Security and external lighting to suit.

·              A five year Activity Plan that focused on school groups, guided learners and open access learners.

·              An Activity Plan that included the provision of two additional part time resources to manage the activities programme.

·              An Activity Plan that required the input of a number of volunteers to assist in the delivery of the activities programme.


The project team had used the services of the consultants involved in the original scheme, following approval by the Heritage Lottery Fund, who had also given the go ahead to negotiate the new contract sum with the previous successful contractor. Both of these groups have been through a rigorous selection process that was based on achieving value for money. This use of the existing team had given the project the advantage of speed in arriving at a suitable design and certainty that the proposed costs and programme were based previously known information. It would also ensure a shorter lead in period prior to a start on site.


This proposal had capital costs of approx. £1.2 million (Rotherham’s capital contribution of approximately £475,000 + £85,000 = £560,000) and a revenue cost of £41,000 per annum. This meant a saving of approximately £540,000 on capital costs as the provision within the Capital Programme of £1.2 million could be reduced. There would also be an annual saving on the capital borrowing costs of approx. £35,100.


There would still be a revenue pressure during the project (approx £21,000) and from the point at which the Heritage Lottery Fund funding came to an end in 2015/16 (approx £20,000), which would need to be included in the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy.


Given the current financial position of the Council finding funding for the ongoing revenue costs would put further pressure on service budgets.


If the Heritage Lottery Fund bid was unsuccessful then options to secure and make safe Boston Castle would need to be pursued.


It was also important to note that delaying the start date was likely to have other implications as stated, which would be greater the longer the delay continued.


(1)  Resolved:-  That the proposal submitted to the Heritage Lottery Fund be approved.


(2)  Recommended:-  (a)  That £560,261 (build costs £475,307 plus development costs £84,954) be included in the Capital Programme for 2011/2012 funded by Prudential Borrowing (borrowing costs funded centrally), this being the Council’s contribution to enable the project to proceed.


(b)  That an additional £21,000 be included annually in the Revenue Budget for the period 2012/13 to 2015/16 and then a further additional £20,000 be included annually in the Revenue Budget from 2016/17 onwards.

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