Agenda item

Adult Services Revenue Monitoring


Consideration was given to a report, introduced by the Finance Manager, (Adult Services) which provided a financial forecast for the Adult Services Department within the Neighbourhoods and Adult Services Directorate to the end of March, 2011 based on actual income and expenditure to the end of January, 2011. 


The forecast for the financial year 2010/11 was an overall underspend of £717,000 against the revised approved net revenue budget of £71.3 million.


A significant part of the forecast underspend was due to the higher than anticipated response to voluntary severance, additional savings through holding vacancies to facilitate redeployment of staff in support of the various structural reviews and an increasing number of residential care clients now receiving full continuing heath care funding.


Underlying budget pressures included forecast overspends within home care, in-house residential care and direct payments. These were offset by underspends within independent residential care across all client groups and slippage on vacant posts within Assessment and Care Management. These were set out in detail in the report submitted.


Also reported, for the period April to January, 2011, was the total expenditure on Agency staff for Adult Services compared with an actual cost for the same period last year.  Non-contractual overtime for Adult Services was also detailed.


The report set out the current position for the Department with a summary of the overall financial projection for each main service area/client group both against original approved budget and the revised budget approved by the Cabinet.


It was reported that to mitigate any further financial pressures within the service budget meetings with Service Directors and Managers were continuing to be held on a monthly basis to monitor financial performance against the revised approved budget and ensure expenditure was within this revised budget.


Reference was made to additional income from NHS Rotherham in respect of additional funding announced by the Government for the support of social care both in 2010/11 and 2011/12.


Members raised a number of questions and discussion ensued on the following:-


-                How much of the Home Care Service was being provided in-house or was this part of the Care Enablers Service.

-                Merger of the Wardens and Care Enablers Service and the response to voluntary severance.

-                Forecasted additional income within Rothercare Direct through the purchase of alarms.

-                Projected underspends on Mental Health residential care and the supportive performance assistance to RDASH.

-                Forecasted underspend on transport as a result of additional income and savings on leasing costs.

-                Protocols for transportation and manoeuvres.

-                Improved staffing provisions at Oaks Day Centre as a result of filling vacancies.

-                Increased levels in continuing health care funding and the improvements being observed.

-                Funding negotiations nearing resolution with the Primary Care Trust.

-                Addressing the overspends in direct payments.

-                Monitoring of financial performance against the revised approved budget.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the latest financial projection against budget for the year based on actual income and expenditure to the end of January, 2011 for Adult Services be noted.


(2)  That staff be thanked for their hard work in ensuring expenditure was kept within the revised budget.

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