Agenda item

Accreditation and Shared Powers - Strengthening Local Community Safety


The Director of Housing and Neighbourhood Services reported on discussions that had taken place at the South Yorkshire Community Safety Partnership Group with regard to a fresh approach to the introduction of accreditation and integrated working between South Yorkshire Police and Councils.


In light of developing national policy in neighbourhood policing and the need to ensure even greater efficiencies in service delivery, there was now a perfect opportunity to complement partnership working by looking at the possibility of aligning front line services from a variety of organisations by considering integrated working through the brigading of powers and/or a single uniformed presence.


Under the Community Safety Accreditation Scheme, the Chief Constable could offer suitable employers and employees an accredited status in respect of carrying out certain community safety functions as prescribed by the Police Reform Act 2002.  The powers currently identified for accreditation were shown in Appendix 1.  They were mainly quick “discharge” powers e.g. Fixed Penalty Notices for a range of anti-social issues.


The declared intent of the Accreditation Scheme was aimed at the public demand for an increase in foot patrols by uniformed personnel and with a well managed police involvement Accredited Persons could:-


-        Support local community policing

-        Patrol hot spots

-        Work towards achieving greater community cohesion

-        Support partnership working

-        Assist in the physical appearance and management of local areas

-        Gather community intelligence accessibility and visibility

-        Reduce fear of crime and anti-social behaviour


Neighbourhood Wardens currently already operated and incorporated some aspects of the Scheme.  The powers, however, brought by the scheme widened the scope of direct intervention and accordingly could be seen as an exciting leap forward in achieving safe and sustainable communities.  There was also scope to look to other Council staff, usually uniformed, such as Civil Enforcement Officers to be included.


A new aspect of sharing of powers was potential Council powers that could be delegated to Police Officers for their use.  Barnsley and Sheffield were reviewing which Council powers could be discharged by non-Council personnel.


South Yorkshire Police had drafted a project plan and established a sub-regional working group to explore the opportunity of the SYP accreditation of designated Council staff and possible reciprocal delegation of some local authority powers to police officers and other safer neighbourhood partner agencies.


It was key that there should be a local service that fit the needs of the local area.  It had to be ensured that it was the correct model of local decision making for Rotherham.


Discussion ensued on the report with the following points emphasised:-


-        Extra workload for staff

-        Should be a named deputy for attendance at the Integrated Working Steering Group

-        The need for total understanding of the implications for the Authority

-        The need for discussions at the South Yorkshire Leaders’ meeting

-        Worth scoping out but should be with a note of caution


Resolved:-  (1)  That the principle of the Accreditation Person Scheme be supported and the development of proposals with South Yorkshire Police to introduce accreditation to appropriate Council employees be approved.


(2)  That a review of Council powers that may potentially be discharged by South Yorkshire Police personnel under appropriate delegation be approved and, as part of the review, establish the legal and Council processes by which such delegations could be granted.


(3)  That a further report be submitted detailing proposals developed by the South Yorkshire Integrated Working Steering Group.


(4)  That there be a named deputy for representation at the Integrated Working Steering Group


(5)  That it  be noted that the development of proposals would require involvement and support of cross-Council services including Environment Development Services and Legal and Democratic Services and shared understanding with appropriate Cabinet Members.

Supporting documents: