Agenda item

Accreditation and Shared Power - Update


Further to Minute No. 9 of 20th June, 2011, the Director of Housing and Neighbourhood Services submitted an update following consideration at the Safer Rotherham Partnership Executive Group and the Integrated Services – South Yorkshire Strategic Group.


It was recognised that within South Yorkshire there were different issues to be addressed and that the speed of implementation (some by pilot schemes) would vary.  For Rotherham, it was necessary to make sure that the scheme considered local solutions and a full understanding of the impact of the introduction of the approach.


The SRP Executive had requested that 2 immediate issues be considered and reported back:-


-        Which of the possible powers being available by the Chief Constable would Rotherham wish to prioritise for adoption?

-        What localised service design to integrated working would we wish to consider?


The Chief Constable could grant accreditation for up to 43 powers but for South Yorkshire this had been limited to 21.  The 21 powers were in the main quick “discharge” powers e.g. Fixed Penalty Notices for a range of anti-social issues.  Of the 21, each local authority had been requested to identify 5 by which prioritisation could be focussed for initial implementation.


South Yorkshire Police had also been requested to consider the release of further powers outside the overall 21 being made available to strengthen the control of alcohol sale and use.


2 options for service delivery models had been suggested.  Across South Yorkshire each district  was drawing its bespoke model together.  The 2 options were:-


-        Delivery Model 1 – to create a new uniformed team of individuals with as many warranted powers as was practicable from all partner agencies.  The team would be aligned to a geographical area within the district and would tackle any and all local issues in relation to public confidence and anti-social behaviour


-        Delivery Model  2  - To allocate warranted powers to the right people, in the right uniform, in the right place at the right time.  To ensure staffing was aligned to demand management and the requirements of the local areas in order to target public confidence and anti-social behaviour issues.


It was considered that Model 2 be pursued for Rotherham as it provided a realistic model that readily took on the improvements in shared working without the need of structure, governance and tasking change.  It built on the pragmatic response model that had established identifiable services and did not over complicate branding requirements within communities whilst saving on new uniform design and procurement costs.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the following 5 powers be prioritised in the development of the Accredited Powers Scheme for Rotherham:-


(i)         Power to require giving of name and address

(ii)         Power to require name and address for anti-social behaviour

(iii)        Power to require persons aged under 18 to surrender alcohol

(iv)        Power to issue Penalty Notices for causing harassment, alarm or distress

(v)         Power to issue Penalty Notices for throwing fireworks.


(2)  That the appraisal of the service delivery model for the development of enhancing integration of safer neighbourhood services with Rotherham be welcomed and Option 2 submitted in the report be confirmed as the model on which the scheme should be based.


(3)  That the Safer Rotherham Partnership’s Executive Group be advised of (1) and (2) above.


(4)  That, once implemented, a report be submitted on the usage of the powers in the first 3 months.

Supporting documents: