Agenda item

Historic Warden Functions - Neighbourhood Centres


The Director of Housing and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report on an element of the non-core business tasks that were historically undertaken by Sheltered Housing Wardens but would not be undertaken by the new merged Service.


There were specific tasks that could be undertaken by EDS through a Facilities Management Framework and tasks that could continue to be managed by the Neighbourhood Centres Manager within the remit of Neighbourhoods and Adult Services.  These were as follows:-


EDS New Facilities Management Framework

-        The Framework would need to be bespoke for each individual site and would set the foundations for fee proposals based on the tasks undertaken across the Neighbourhood Centre portfolio.


-        It was proposed that the following areas of responsibility be handed over to EDS under Service Level Agreement arrangements:-


o             Cleaning of the Neighbourhood Centres – annual charge for the service approximately £146,908.05

o             Annual Programming:-

Resetting of time clocks on heating systems

PAT testing

Annual service of fire alarms, extinguishers etc.

Decommissioning of the remainder of communal payphones

Identify efficiency savings and work with Neighbourhood Centres Manager and partners to resolve

Establish and prioritise forward investment programme

Support management function with Neighbourhood Centres Manager and relevant in-house teams


Work to be retained by Neighbourhood and Adult Services

-        Legionella Testing.  In the interim this would be managed by the Neighbourhood Centres Manager and Home Enablers until 1st October, 2011.  It would then be formally handed over permanently to Neighbourhood Champions.


-        Fire Alarm Testing.  It was proposed that the Neighbourhood Housing Officers who work geographically should test the fire alarms as required in all Neighbourhood Centres from 1st October, 2011.  In the interim, Home Enabling Officers would carry out the weekly testing with immediate effect.


-        Neighbourhood Centres Manager.  For the short term, it was proposed that the role continued to be funded through the Housing Revenue Account and the post remain within the NAS Directorate to focus on the development of the Centres, supporting tenants and residents and acting as a co-ordinator for the Service Level agreement with EDS.  It was proposed that, in line with the new service, that it be embedded into the role of the Home Enabler and combined within the current duties of the Neighbourhood Champions.


-        Activity Co-ordination.  The responsibility for undertaking communal activities had been assimilated into the new merged job descriptions of Home Enabler.  This would offer a more flexible approach to how it delivered activities moving forward.


-        Guest Bedrooms.  It was proposed that a re-evaluation of the guest bedrooms be undertaken and, following contact with customers regarding the usage in 2008, further consultation be undertaken to gain a customer perspective on the future of guest bedrooms.


-        Laundry Facilities.  Due to the complexity of collecting monies, it was proposed that the function be incorporated into the tenant’s rent and paid for as part of the communal facility charge i.e. that the weekly charge be increased from the current £4.08/£4.16 after 1st April, 2012 to a flat rate of £5.00 on schemes that had a laundry facility and collected via the OHMS system.  A consultation programme would commence in September, 2011 to inform customers.


-        Communal Payphones.  It was proposed that a consultation exercise be undertaken on the potential to remove communal payphones taking into account current usage and any issues or objections customers may have.


-        Consultation.  The Neighbourhood Centres Manager would commence a consultation programme in September, 2011.


Discussion ensued on laundry facilities, the viability of such provision, usage, alternative methods of collecting monies and consultation with users.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the transfer of functions identified in Section 7.1, (New Facilities Management Framework), 7.2 (Cleaning) and 7.3 (Annual Programming) of the report submitted to Environment and Development Services be approved.


(2)  That the commencement of a consultation exercise with tenants identified in 7.8, (Guest Bedrooms), 7.9, (Laundry Facilities) 7.10 (Communal Payphones), as set out in 7.11 of the report submitted, be approved with a further report being submitted on the outcomes in November, 2011.


(3)  That further discussions take place, prior to consultation with tenants, with regard to laundry facilities.

Supporting documents: