Agenda item

Children’s Peer Challenge October 2011


Consideration was given to a report presented by Sue Wilson, Performance and Quality Manager, and supported by Joyce Thacker, Strategic Director of Children and Young People’s Services, which set out details of how Children and Young People’s Services would be undergoing a Peer Challenge facilitated by Local Government Improvement and Development Agency from the 3rd to 7th October, 2011.


A scoping meeting was held on the 20th June, 2011 with representatives from Local Government Improvement and Development at which there was an early indication of the areas that would be covered:-


·              The effectiveness of the delivery and commissioning of early intervention services and the use of Children and Families, thresholds and effectiveness.

·              How the Council and its partners can learn from and improve the service user experience.

·              An independent perspective on our approach to improving Key Stage 2 results.

·              Review the effectiveness of the multi-agency resource panel in relation to Out of Authority Placements and value for money.


The Select Commission were informed that the peer challenges from the Local Government Improvement and Development Agency were safeguarding focused, but the review team was to look at facilitating a Key Stage 2 attainment element to give an independent view of the work that had been taking place around this specific issue in Rotherham over the past few years


It was noted that there were a series of deliverables which have to be in place prior to the review commencing which needed to be complete and submitted by the second week in September.


The Local Government Improvement and Development Agency would convene a team to deliver the challenge representing a variety of backgrounds and expertise from an integrated children’s sector, typically comprising of a Director of Children’s Services, Lead Member, Operational Manager or Senior Social Worker, a NHS Manager/Practitioner plus the Peer Challenge Manager and Analyst.  It was intended that the Team Leader would be Helen Jenner, Director of Children’s Services in Barking and Dagenham.


It was noted that the peer challenge was free of charge with no cost to the Local Authority, apart from refreshments for the period of the review team were on site in Rotherham.


On receipt of the final report the Council had the choice in whom they wished to share the information and this would be given further consideration.


A discussion and question and answer session ensued and the following issues were raised and subsequently clarified:-


·              In light of this peer challenge, whether or not the Consultants employed following the Ofsted inspection of Children and Young People’s Services were considered value for money.

·              Whether the perspective of the KS2 results would mirror the outcome of the performance clinic.

·              Early intervention and electronic tracking of performance of rising four and five year olds in order to improve KS2 results and to bring the results above the national average.

·              Opportunities to recommended different methods of working in order to improve KS2 results.

·              Safeguarding young people and the implications of using social network sites.

·              Role of the Councillor in the peer review.

·              Safeguarding controls and whether the review team would give consideration to the Council’s partner agencies.

·              Invitation to Head Teachers and Chairs of Governors to review meetings to discuss the performance of schools not achieving their floor targets.

·              Risks associated with sustaining partners whilst reducing costs.

·              Evidence of working with young people and more difficult to engage families.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the Cabinet Members for Lifelong Learning and Culture and Safeguarding Children and Adults and Sue Wilson and Joyce Thacker from Children and Young People’s Services be thanked for their attendance.


(2)  That the report be received and the contents noted.


(3)  That the final report following the conclusion of the challenge be submitted to this Select Commission in due course.

Supporting documents: