Agenda item

Health and Wellbeing Board

- minutes of meeting held on 29th February, 2012

Presentation by Councillor Wyatt, Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing


The minutes of the Health and Wellbeing Board held on 29th February, 2012, were noted.


2 workshops had since been held to develop the Health and Wellbeing Strategy which included the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.


Councillor Wyatt, Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing, then gave the following powerpoint presentation on tackling health inequalities and responding to change:-


Health and Social Care Act

-        Received Royal Assent on 27th March, 2012 took forward the areas of Equity and Excellence: Liberating the NHS (July 2010) which required primary legislation

-        Covered 5 themes

Strengthening commissioning of NHS services

Increasing democratic accountability and public voice

Liberating provision of NHS services

Strengthening public health services

Reforming health and care arms length bodies

-        Highly controversial and included significant changes to the way things were done


Health and Wellbeing Board

-        Local authorities would lead the co-ordination of health and wellbeing through the creation of high level ‘Health and Wellbeing Boards

-        Key responsibilities included:-

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Improving health and reducing health inequalities

Integrating health, social care and public health

Productivity and efficiency


Rotherham’s Board

-        Now established as a Sub-Committee of the Council, Chaired by the Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing

-        Direct reporting links to the LSP as well as links to other local Boards (including Adults, Children’s)

-        Terms of Reference agreed and work plan being developed


Vision for Health and Wellbeing

-        For everyone in Rotherham to be happy and healthy and have the adequate resources to participate in their community


Core Membership of the Board

-        Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing (Chair)

-        Cabinet Member for Adult Services

-        Cabinet Member for Safeguarding Children and Adults

-        Director of Public Health

-        Chief Executive, RMBC

-        Strategic Director of Neighbourhoods and Adult Services

-        Strategic Director of Children and Young People’s Services

-        Strategic Director of Environment and Development Services

-        Chair of Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

-        Chief Operating Officer, CCG

-        Chair of PCT Cluster Board (until April, 2013 when position will be reviewed)

-        Voluntary Action Rotherham

-        Rotherham HealthWatch (once in place 2013)


NHS Commissioning

-        Devolved responsibility for the majority of commissioning to local Clinical Commissioning Groups

-        Supported and held to account by an independent national NHS Commissioning Board

-        Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group now established

-        CCG had a statutory place on the Health and Wellbeing Board


Public Health

-        Local authorities would take on statutory duty for Public Health

-        Full transfer of responsibilities and resources by April, 2013

-        Ringfenced budget allocation provided in ‘shadow’ form April, 2012

-        Directors of Public Health jointly appointed between local authority and Public Health England from April 2013

-        Director of Public Health to be added to the list of statutory Chief Officers in the Local Government and Housing Act (subject to Parliament)

-        Director of Public Health had a statutory place on the Health and Wellbeing Board



-        HealthWatch England would be the national voice of patients and the public to be established October, 2012

-        Local authorities required to procure a local HealthWatch by April, 2013

-        Work underway to develop commissioning arrangements for a Rotherham HealthWatch

-        Existing LINks being supported to continue to deliver a service in the meantime


Overview of Key Activity

-        NHS Commissioning Board Special Health Authority established October, 2011

-        NHS Commissioning Board in place by October, 2012

-        PCTs abolished 2013

-        PCT Clusters now in place until 2013 to support transition

-        Clinical Commissioning Groups take on statutory responsibilities from April, 2013

-        Public Health England established 2013

-        Local authorities take on Public Health responsibilities April, 2013

-        Local Health and Wellbeing Boards in shadow form by April, 2012, and take on statutory responsibilities April, 2013

-        HealthWatch England established October, 2012

-        Local HealthWatch to be in place by April, 2013

Supporting documents: