Agenda item

Scrutiny Review of the Private Rented Sector

-        Strategic Director of Resources to report.


Councillor Atkin, Chair of the Review Group, introduced the report which set out in detail the key findings and recommendations of the Scrutiny Review of the Private Rented Sector, undertaken by Members of the former Sustainable Communities Scrutiny Panel.  The report and recommendations were considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board at its meeting of 16th December, 2011.


With high numbers of people seeking affordable housing across all sectors; the availability of decent properties to rent was an ongoing concern. This was reflected anecdotally in surgery reports from Councillors who had both private sector tenants coming to them for advice and also local people concerned at the upkeep of private properties in their areas.  There were other concerns raised through Area Assemblies and Safer Neighbourhood Teams about the condition of properties and impact on wider community.


A number of issues were discussed and following the gathering of evidence  during the summer 2010, concluding in early 2011 a number of recommendations were made and included:-


·              The production of a long term sustainable development and action plan to improve the physical fabric of the Private Rental Sector in the borough, in line with neighbourhood based regeneration initiatives, local priorities and reflecting changes in Government Policy. 


·              Ensure that sufficient resources were aligned to the delivery of the action plan and that working practices across relevant teams were co-ordinated to support it.


·              Alongside the Action Plan, the Council should seek to engage landlords, tenants and Councillors in its work


·              There should be a re-launch of the Private Landlord Accreditation scheme built on the best of the models developed by other authorities.


·              That the Council takes robust enforcement action against those landlords (or tenants) who persistently disregard their responsibilities.


·              Consideration should be given to the Council's use of its powers to bring properties back into use.


·              Support be given to local agencies such as RoBond to ensure that vulnerable tenants have access to affordable bond guarantees, assistance and advice.


·              Designating one of the Advisers to the Cabinet Member for Safe and Attractive Neighbourhoods to a watching brief on the role of the private rented sector in Rotherham.


A number of the review recommendations may have financial implications if adopted. This would require further exploration by the Strategic Leadership Team and partners on the cost, risks and benefits of their implementation.


There was a risk that interventions would be short term and not achieve a sustainable impact.  To avoid this, the Council would need to ensure that any new approaches were properly embedded within the Council and partner agencies. 

Cabinet Members welcomed this report and suggested that any new approaches be included as part of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the Scrutiny Review of the Private Rented Sector and its recommendations be noted and a response be submitted within two months as outlined within the Council’s Constitution.


(2)  That the decision of Cabinet on the report, recommendations and proposed action be reported back to the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board in due course.

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