Aileen Chambers, Childcare Sustainability Manager, Schools and Lifelong Learning, Children and Young People’s Services, to report.
Consideration was given to the submitted report that was presented by Aileen Chambers, Childcare Sustainability Manager, Early Years and Childcare Service, Children and Young People’s Service, which outlined the proposed changes to the entitlement to Free Early Education and childcare sufficiency.
Free Early Education was a universal Statutory entitlement for three- and four-year-old children. From September 2013, it would also be a Statutory entitlement for the most disadvantaged two-year-old children. In relation to this, Government Consultation was now seeking views on:
The current Code of Practice on the delivery of Early Education had been in place since September 2010 and related solely to the Early Education for three- and four-year-olds. Separate guidance was currently in place in relation to Sections 6 and 11 of the Childcare Act detailing childcare sufficiency requirements.
The proposed replacement Statutory guidance provided guidance on all areas in one document. The majority of the Statutory requirements were the same, although the completed document was much shorter at 14 pages long (previous guidance was 50 pages) and did not contain the same level of prescriptive guidance, leaving interpretation of the requirements to individual local authorities.
Further changes to the Statutory guidance included:
In drafting the response to this consultation, the Early Years Team had consulted the Early Education Working Group (which included representatives from the maintained and PVI sector), as well as Officers currently involved in the delivery of early education for two-, three- and four-year-olds, and delivery of childcare sufficiency. The responses received had generally been in favour of the proposed changes.
Discussion ensued and the following observations were made:
The Consultation questions were noted and a joint response on behalf of the Improving Lives Select Commission was made.
Resolved: - (1) That the consultation report be received and it’s content noted.
(2) That Aileen Chambers be thanked for her presentation and contribution to the discussion around the proposed changes to the entitlement to Free Early Education and childcare sufficiency.
(3) That the Childcare Sustainability Manager respond to the Government Consultation on behalf of the Improving Lives Select Commission.
Supporting documents: