Agenda item

Smoking Cessation Service Annual Report

- Simon Lidster to report, Rotherham NHS Stop Smoking Service


A representative of the Rotherham NHS Stop Smoking Services (RSSS) presented their annual report for 2010-11.


RSSS was a specialist service that provided support for anyone who lived or worked in Rotherham.  It provided one-to-one, drop-in, group and telephone support.  Sessions were delivered in a number of venues across Rotherham during the day, evenings and Saturday mornings.


RSSS was commissioned by NHS Rotherham.  The Service specification contained a number of very challenging objectives including:-


-        Meet the specific 4 week quitter target (1,850 per annum)

-        Meet the specific pregnant women 4 week quitter target (160 per annum)

-        Achieve an average of 50% conversion rate

-        Achieve 85% CO verification rate of clients who quit

-        Support the achievement of the LES target (1,000 per annum)

-        Contribute to the reduction of health inequalities by targeting specific groups


The Service specification had contained significant financial penalties should the Service not meet the 4 week quitter, pregnancy women 4 week quitter and conversion rate targets.  The penalties had subsequently been removed.


Performance Data

o       The largest referral source was ‘self’ followed by the Midwifery Service and the Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust

o       Of the 6,572 referrals received by RSSS, only 3,333 attended and set a quit date. Much progress had been made with digital pen technology introduced allowing advisors to input data directly onto quitmanager (Service’s database).  This had released some administration time to facilitate the implementation of an improved referral management system.  RSS had also worked with the quitmanager provider to develop a sophisticated referral management system and developed a number of resources to mail out to clients.  It was also intended that clients would receive text message appointment reminders

o       The main awareness source for self-referrals was previous clients, friend and family.  A ‘member get member’ scheme had been introduced to maximise the number of referrals from this route.  Clients visiting the Quit Stop and the Stop Smoking Centre made a significant contribution to the total number but GP’s made up the bulk of awareness source for the remainder of the self-referrals

o       Overall quit rates in 2010-11 for RSSS and the Locally Enhanced Service (LES – GP run services) were 50% and 53.4% respectively.  RSSS quit rate had improved from 46.6% in the previous year, the LES rate had decreased slightly from 57.7%

o       RSSS had a higher ratio (35%) of self-report quitters than LES (20%).  The RSSS provided a dedicated telephone service where as the LES provided face-to-face support only

o       Rotherham compared very favourably with other PCTs in the region in terms of quitters per 100,000 of population

o       LES exceeded its target – 1,089 against a target of 700

o       Rotherham compared very favourably with other PCTs in the region in terms of quitters per 100,000 of population

o       Between 2005-10 the number of RSSS quitters per year more than doubled but activity had dipped in the last year at the same time LES quitter activity per year had trebled

o       The quit rate for the specialist service was slightly lower than that of the LES (50% compared to 53%) – an improvement of RSSS of nearly 4% on the previous year

o       A similar number of clients quit across age groups 18-59, however, quit rates were lower in the 18-34 age group  Few clients aged under 18 quit

o       More women attended Stop Smoking Services and quit compared to men but men had a slightly higher quit rate.

o       Routine and manual workers were a key target group for Stop Smoking Services

o       RSS delivered 161 pregnant women quitters against a target of 160, improvement from 143 the previous year

o       RSS provided support for staff in primary care to deliver stop smoking interventions including the LES

o       Quit Shop delivered 715/1662 (43%) of all Rotherham NHS Stop Smoking Service’s quitters.  Quit rate of 47%

o       RSSS delivered between 8-12 day time and 5-8 evening sessions per week during 2010-11 totalling 810 clients supported set to quit and 445 to quit giving a quit rate of 55%

o       Stop Smoking Centre in the Rotherham Hospital supported 315 clients to set a quit date, 134 quit giving a quit rate of 43%

o       Out of hours pro-active telephone support service introduced in January, 2010.  It supported 269 clients to set a quit date, 169 quit, giving a quit rate of 63%


 Resolved:-  That the report be noted.

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