Agenda item

Area Housing Panels


The Business Support Director, Neighbourhood and Adult Services, reported on the outcome of the review of Area Housing Panels (AHPs).  Following the return of the housing management ALMO to direct Council management and changes in national housing policy, a review of the role of AHPs had been considered timely. 


The review had been an open consultation process, which followed the criteria within the Code of Practice on Consultation that had been issued by the Better Regulation Executive in the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.  The scope of influence of the consultation included three overarching outcomes required by the Council:-


-        A strong governance framework which linked to other local democratic activities

-        Robust accountability for the expenditure of HRA funding

-        Wider involvement


Almost 100 people had attended the open meeting organised by RotherFed on 22nd November, 2011, where formal presentations had been presented.  The proposals that had been generated addressing the three outcomes were:-


A strong governance framework for Area Housing Panels (AHPs) which linked to other local democratic activities


A.      Area Assemblies to liaise with AHPs when appropriate and to consider co-opting a member of the AHP should a community vacancy arise on the Co-ordinating group

B.      The same RMBC officer to service the Area Assembly, Co-ordinating Group and AHP in an area

C.      AHPs to send invitation and agenda to all Ward Councillors for each meeting

D.      At least 1 member of the AHP should attend the Area Assembly meeting and feed back to the Panel on local initiatives and issues discussed

E.       Each AHP continue to nominate a member to serve on the Board of RotherFed


Demonstrate robust accountability for HRA expenditure


F.       Minutes of AHP meetings to be sent to the Area Assembly for information and inclusion in the record posted on the Council’s website

G.      Minutes to include a clear record of decision to award HRA funding to a project

H.     HRA funded projects to be monitored and evaluated and findings minuted


Involve Area Housing Panels in a wider range of activities supporting the co-regulation required of social housing providers


I.         Resident Engagement Champions to work with Area Housing Co-ordinators and AHP Chairs to identify potential members for each Panel to reflect its catchment area

J.       1 representative from each AHP to serve on the Local Offers Monitoring Group in addition to its current membership

K.      AHP can play a more active role in assessing the quality of housing services and making recommendations for service improvement

L.       All AHP members to participate in service improvement task and finish groups as required

M.    Tenants and residents involved with AHPs receive training appropriate to their roles

N.     Consideration is given to AHPs being asked to form the local Tenant Panel (from April, 2013)


The Business Support Director confirmed that proposals A – N could be implemented on a cost neutral basis. 


The review of AHPs had been undertaken in parallel with similar work regarding the Local Offer Monitoring Group.  The next stage would be to look at the roles of Tenants and Residents Associations and RotherFed to ensure the framework for engagement was robust, relevant and effective especially with regard to the new requirements of the Localism Act as they were enacted over the next 2 years.


This report had also been considered by the Improving Places Select Commission and their comments had been incorporated into the recommendations. 


Discussion ensued and included the following salient points: -


-           Potential for Area Assemblies (or it’s co-ordinating group) to co-opt a member of the AHP

-           The servicing of the AHP meetings, including calling meetings and disseminating agenda items

-           The benefits of the meetings being serviced by Area Assembly staff to ensure linkages between the different Area Assembly forums to improve communications and avoid duplication 

-           The welcome timing of the review and the positive way in which it had been conducted 


Resolved:-  That implementation of proposals A - N, as set out above, be approved.

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