Agenda item

RDaSH Quality Account

- presentation by RDaSH


Lynsey Blackshaw, Senior Business and Performance Manager, and Tracey Clark, Commercial Development Director, RDaSH, NHS Foundation Trust, gave the following powerpoint presentation in relation to the submitted report on ‘Quality Matters’ in relation to the Service’s annual Quality Account:-


What is a Quality Account:-

-        Coalition Government White Papers set out the vision of putting Quality at the heart of everything the NHS did

-        Key component of the Quality Framework was the continuing requirement for all providers of NHS Services to publish Quality Accounts

-        This was the opportunity to enable the OSC to review and supply a statement as to whether “the report is a fair reflection” of RDaSH services

-        2011/12 was the 4th Quality Account produced by RDaSH


2011/12 Performance monitoring suggested that: -

o       Governance – Amber/Red (at Quarter 3)

o       Finance – 4 (Good) (at Quarter 3)

o       Care Quality Commission - registered with no conditions

o       Commissioning for Quality Indicators were achieving 9 of 9 indicators (at Quarter 3)


Review of Quality Markers 2011/12:-

-        3 domains of Quality:

1.      Patient Safety

2.      Clinical Effectiveness

3.      Patient Experience


Process for 2012:-

-        Consultation with OSC – presentation/draft Quality Account for comment

-        Engagement with Trust User Carer Partnership Council – regular agenda item/draft Quality Account for comment/development of Quality Markers for 2012/13

-        Engagement with Trust Council of Governors – regular agenda item/draft Quality Account for comment/development of Quality Markers for 2012/13

-        Draft Quality Account to Trust Clinical Governance Group


Quality Priorities for 2012/13:-

Developed by:-

-        User Carer Partnership Council

-        Council of Governors

-        Business Divisions

-        Board of Directors


Board of Directors Quality Priorities:-

3 quality improvement priorities identified by the Board of Directors:-

-        Personalised Care Planning

-        Record Keeping

-        Clinical leadership roles and responsibilities


Council of Governors (CoG) Quality Priorities:-

CoG had identified the following priorities for 2012/13:-

-        Personalised care

-        Effective, knowledgeable, personalised communication from all of the staff

-        Continuously improve communication with, and feedback from, people who used the service through a wide range of methods


User Carer Partnership Council (UCPC) Quality Priorities:-

-        Attitudes shown by staff towards people who were diagnosed with a personality disorder

-        Service user carer involvement in staff selection and recruitment

-        7 day follow up from discharge, support on discharge from Wards

-        Embedding WRAP, mapping what there was and where it was.  Connecting discharge and community WRAP Groups

-        Access to services (maintaining progress on accessibility and responsiveness)

-        Provide information to UCPC on analysis of complaints, trends and lessons learned

-        Increase meaningful activities on the Wards


Comments were expected from the OSC in relation to the RDaSH 2011/12 Quality Account- 8 during March, 2012.  The document would be disseminated to the full range of RDaSH stakeholders for comment in the coming months.  It was noted that this document would be circulated to the Health Select Commission for comment in due course. 


Discussion ensued with the following issues raised/highlighted;-


o       The content of ‘meaningful activities’ undertaken by patients on wards

o       Identification and separation of the Rotherham element of the RDaSH Quality Account

o       Implementation of good practice and lessons learned across all RDaSH settings.


Resolved:- (1)  That Lynsey Blackshaw and Tracey Clark be thanked for their presentation to the Health Select Commission and the information shared be noted.


(2) That the Health Select Commission receives the OSC’s comments in relation to the RDaSH Quality Account 8 in order to comment on the document when it was available. 

Supporting documents: