Agenda item

Public Health Transition

- Nagpal Hoysal, NHSR


Dr. Nagpal Hoysal, NHSR, gave a powerpoint presentation on the Health and Social Care Act 2012 and the local authority duties and responsibilities as follows:-


Cause of Disease

-        60% of the causes of the disease burden in Europe was caused by 7 risk factors:-

High blood pressure (12.8%)

Tobacco (12.3%)

Alcohol (10.1%)

High blood cholesterol (8.7%)

Overweight (7.8%)

Low fruit and vegetable intake (4.4%)

And physical inactivity (3.5%)

-        Diabetes, which was directly related to obesity and lack of exercise, was also a major risk factor and trigger for cardiovascular disease

-        Risk factors frequently cluster and interact – particularly in disadvantaged socio-economic groups


Public Health 2012 Act

-        SoS duty as to protection of public health

-        Duties as to improvement of public health were functions of local authorities and SoS

-        Each local authority must take such steps it considered appropriate for improving the health of people in its area


Duties as to improvement of Public Health Local Authority Functions

-        Providing information and advice

-        Services or facilities designed to promote healthy living

-        Services and facilities for the prevention, diagnosis or treatment of illness

-        Providing financial incentives to individuals to adopt healthier lifestyles

-        Providing assistance (including financial assistance) to help individuals minimise any risks to health arising from their accommodation or environment

-        Making available the services of any person or any facilities


Mandatory Services (Public Health White Paper)

-        Ensuring NHS commissioners receive the Public Health advice they need

-        National Child Measurement Programme

-        NHS Health Check assessment

-        Appropriate access to sexual health services



-        Tobacco Control and Smoking Cessation Services

-        Alcohol and Drug Misuse Services

-        Public Health Services for children and young people aged 5-19 (including Healthy Child Programmes 5-19) (and in the longer term all Public Health Services for children and young people)

-        Interventions to tackle obesity such as community lifestyle and weight management services

-        Locally-led nutrition initiatives

-        Increasing levels of physical activity in the local population

-        Public Mental Health Services

-        Dental Public Health Services

-        Accidental injury prevention

-        Population level interventions to reduce and prevent birth defects

-        Behavioural and lifestyle campaigns to prevent cancer and long term conditions

-        Local initiatives on workplace health

-        Comprehensive Sexual Health Services

-        Local initiatives to reduce excess deaths as a result of seasonal mortality

-        Public Health aspects of promotion of community safety, violence prevention and response

-        Public Health aspects of local initiatives to tackle social exclusion

-        Increasing levels of physical activity in the local population

-        Supporting, reviewing and challenging delivery of key Public Health funded and NHS delivered Services such as Immunisation and Screening Programmes

-        Local initiatives that reduced Public Health impacts of environmental risk


Commissioning Agencies and Structure

-        Local Authority

Social Care

Public Health


-        Clinical Commissioning Group

Hospital and Community Services Commissioning

Some GP services

GP Group + Governing Body

-        NHS Commissioning Board

Establish CCGs

General Practice contracts

Commissioning support to CCGs (initially)

GP Group + Governing Body

-        Public Health England

Health protection


Emergency response


-        Health and Wellbeing Board

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy

-        HealthWatch England

      Public involvement in health and social care

      Local HealthWatch

      Independent advocacy

Supporting documents: