Agenda item

Dogs Trust


The Chairman welcomed Trevor Cooper and Denise Kelly from the Dogs Trust to the meeting.  They gave the following report on the work of the Trust and what the Trust could do for the Authority:-


-        Largest UK charity for dogs and dog owners - “responsible dog ownership”


-        Cared for approximately 16,000 dogs a year and had just opened its 18th Centre in Loughborough


-        Well funded by members of the public – last year’s budget for responsible dog ownership was £6M


-        50,000 dogs neutered and 100,000 dogs mirochipped free in 2011


-        Estimated 8 million dogs in the country – the vast majority well behaved and responsible dog owners


-        120,000 stray dogs nationally.  The Trust kept a stray dog for 7 days and then had the option of either re-homing or putting to sleep


-        Current Law required dogs, when outside, to wear a collar and tag with the owner’s name and address inscribed, however, owners were reluctant for their address to be visible


-        DEFRA consulted in the Summer on proposals to make it compulsory for puppies to be chipped when sold or given away; the Trust felt that this did not go far enough


-        It was possible to require chipping as a condition of the Tenancy Agreement


-        Trust would provide the microchips so there would be no cost to the tenant of both Council and other social housing.  The dog’s details would be registered on the database.  If they moved house or sold the animal there would be a £10 charge to update the database.  There was no legal requirement to do so but would be of benefit to the Dog Warden Service in helping in the control of dogs


-        A similar partnership arrangement could be arranged for targeted areas e.g. the 11 priority neighbourhoods in the Borough


-        Housing Hartlepool had introduced a Pet Policy in January, 2011, and already seen a reduction in the number of dog related complaints from 76 to 26 and the number of Fixed Penalty Notices reduced from 76 to 47.  There had also been an increase in the number of dogs returned to their owners from 23% to 41%


-        Rotherham initially would be given 400 free microchips with more available as and when required.  Free training would also be offered to anybody who worked for the landlord to carry out the chipping – this should be on a voluntary basis for the member of staff.  All the Trust would need was a building with electricity and water


-        When someone came in to sign Tenancy Agreement the trained member of staff could microchip dog at the same time and importantly be provided with advice on responsible pet ownership


-        Rotherham was in the top 20 local authorities for the number of stray dogs being destroyed and this was a trend based on increased unwanted “status” dogs .  The Trust could visit areas identified by the Authority with its Responsible Dog Ownership Roadshow with a vet and offer a free health check, free vaccinations and return a fortnight later for follow-up vaccination



-        Free neutering vouchers were also offered


-        The Trust would also work with Housing Associations


Trevor and Denise was thanked for their presentation.


Resolved:-  That a report be submitted to the Cabinet Member for Safe and Attractive Neighbourhoods.


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