Agenda item

Day Service Review Proposals - Learning Disability Services


Janine Moorcroft, Service Manager, Adult Community Services, presented a report on proposals for a review of the Learning Disability Day Care Services to achieve the £150,000 savings target.  The report also outlined the need for further work in respect of the longer term personalisation of Learning Disability Day Care Services ensuring they aligned to local and national strategic direction and providing value for money.


At present there were 3 Adult Learning Disability Day Care Services in Rotherham – Addison Resource Centre with a small outreach service at Kiveton, Oaks Day Service and Reach Day Care Service with an outreach service at Maltby.  Traditionally customers with complex needs had attended the Reach Day Care Service resulting in the Oaks and Addison Centres being able to diversify their services.


The Autumn Service provided day care services to older people with a Learning Disability Service in Rotherham at Park Hill Lodge, Maltby, and Charnwood, Swinton, where Services for older people with social needs and older people with learning disabilities were delivered jointly.


275 customers attended the Adult Learning Disability Day Care Services, 65% of which attended 5 days a week – 58% more than in Older People’s Services; the majority of older people attended only 1 day per week.  Local demographics and identification of future transitional customers from Children and Young People’s Services suggested that demand would increase over the next 5 years.


The options for consultation with customers were:-


-        Relocation of Autumn Service - Day Care Services for Older People with a Learning Disability

Service delivered at Charnwood, Swinton and a small outreach centre at Park Hill Lodge, Maltby.  It was proposed that those who attended Park Hill Lodge were transferred to Copeland Lodge, Thurcroft.


-        Cease catering arrangements currently provided at Addison and Oaks Day Service

Demand for catering services had been low as a result of people making the choice to bring in their own meals.  It was proposed that the dining hall space and kitchen facilities be maximised by customers to develop basic catering skills which would benefit them in moving forward into employment and towards independent living.  It was suggested that customers provide their own packed lunch including those who attended from respite provision and were in receipt of a free meal.


Day Care Services had operated with vacant posts since the Corporate recruitment freeze.  It was proposed that the vacant posts be disestablished and contribute to the savings target.  There were also inconsistencies in the Service in relation to the number of posts within Centre establishments on different gradings.  Consultation with staff would be initiated with a view to changing current staffing structures to achieve greater consistency and flexibility across services.


It was proposed that a 12 weeks consultation exercise be undertaken with all stakeholders commencing on 23rd July to 15th October, 2012.


Discussion ensued on the report with the following comments made:-


-        Discrepancy in the number of customers for Addison and Oaks

-        Relocation of Autumn Service – should be amended to read “relocation to other premises will release additional transport savings”

-        If a client forgot their packed lunch there would still be facilities on site to make sandwiches

-        Further discussion required regarding Light Bites


Resolved:-  (1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That the 12 weeks consultation programme with customers, as set out in the report, be approved.


(3)  That a further report be submitted outlining the longer term strategy for Learning Disability Day Services.


(4)  That upon completion of the consultation, a report be submitted to Cabinet for consideration.

Supporting documents: