Agenda item

Adult Social Care Year End Performance for 2011/12


Scott Clayton, Performance Improvement Officer, presented the 2011/12 Key Performance Indicator (KPI) results for the Adult Social Care elements of the Directorate.  Despite over £6M reduction in funding in 2011/12, 100% improvement had been achieved in Health and Wellbeing Indicators compared to 2012/11 representing the best ever outturn performance.


The headlines were:-


-        Almost 7,500 (93%) customers had been reviewed – 400 more than last year and most on a face-to-face basis

-        5,750 (77%) had had the opportunity to access Services of their choice via  a personal budget – an increase of 1,600

-        5,000 new people requiring care and support had been assessed

-        97.5% (increase of 3%) received their care services within 28 days following assessment

-        The new Enabling Service had demonstrated early achievements in its first year

-        The Council had seen a marked 10% improvement in the support provided to meet the needs of carers including the provision of information, advice or services

-        98.5% of safeguarding alerts had been assessed within 24 hours

-        The number of reported alerts had increased by 14% (1,213)

-        Home from Home Scheme had contributed to a reduction of 7% of abuse in residential home settings


The report also set out:-


o       Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework - 2011/12 was the first year of publication for activity indicators


o       Adult Social Care User Survey – sent to those in receipt of care and support services on 31st December, 2011.  1,333 received and 611 returned the survey – 48.5% response rate


o       Revised 2012/13 Performance Reporting arrangements – revised suite of Indicators for 2012/13.


o       Local Account – Rotherham’s local account had been identified as the benchmark from a review undertaken by the Yorkshire and Humber Region.


o       Zero Based Review - locally would mean changes to the social care and financial reporting systems and the performance measures reported in the Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework.  Consultation closed on 3rd August, 2012, with full details of all changes to be published in September and operational from April, 2013.  ADASS were leading on providing a regional and national response


Discussion ensued on the report with the following issues raised:-


-        Rotherham would be submitting a  full response to the Zero Based Review consultation as well as contributing to the Yorkshire and Humber ADASS regional response

-        Adult Social Care User Survey – aimed at the user not the carer – what if the user could not read and/or write?

-        There would be a national Carers Survey

-        NAS1 (Percentage of clients receiving a review) – all were face-to-face reviews

-        Rotherham was in the minority for including any information on Mental Health Service users


It was noted that due to the short timescales involved, there was insufficient time to follow the normal reporting procedure for consultations, therefore, it would be a technical response.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the 2011/12 year end performance and performance requirements for 2012/13 be noted.


(2)  That a press release be issued highlighting the performance that had been achieved.


(3)  That a briefing be prepared for all Elected Members.


(4)  That the 3 local Members of Parliament be supplied with a copy of the completed consultation document.


(4)  That the Director of Health and Wellbeing send a letter on behalf of the Cabinet Member to Steve Lightfoot thanking him for his work and best wishes for the future.



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