Agenda item

Proposals for Media Skills and Awareness Training


Consideration was given to a report presented by Caroline Webb, Senior Scrutiny Adviser, and Steve Pearson, Manager – Communications and Media, which set out proposals for media skills and awareness training as part of a wider Member Development Programme.


Many Members during their personal development plan interviews have expressed a want to undertake media training.  Since the last organised training in 2007, several key factors have changed. 


Given that Councils have to deal with increasingly difficult decisions about resource allocation and service priorities, it was likely that the media would only continue to seek interviews to understand how these decisions were made.  It was important, therefore, that Members be aware of Council protocols and be confident with techniques for communicating with the public and dealing with the media.


It was also important for the Local Authority to take every opportunity to publicise where, despite the current economic climate, excellent services were still being delivered and to demonstrate where good practice, success and positive outcomes continued to be achieved for local communities.


To support this, it was proposed that a three tiered approach be undertaken:-


Tier One - Generic awareness raising session aimed at all Members (particularly newly Elected Members) outlining how to handle press enquiries, Council protocols and some basic – do’s and don’ts of social media.


Tier Two - Focus more on radio interviews or media contacts that were not held face to face.  It was aimed at Councillors who have occasional contact with the media (such as Scrutiny Chairs or Area Assembly Chairs) with practice being in an interviewee presenting Council topics or news items (for example a scrutiny review or community event).  You will learn what the media want from you and the types of story surrounding their ‘agenda'. 


Tier Three -  A range of relevant interview practice scenarios in a workshop based on real “live” issues.  Course content should cover how to approach local press, radio and TV interview opportunities with confidence; simple preparation formulae and key communication and personal presentation skills.  Practice elements to include live interview examples, group discussion, working in pairs and individual role-play exercises.  This was aimed at Senior Members whose role may demand regular contact with the media or were delivering key messages about resource allocation or services. 


Tiers One and Two could be delivered in-house at a minimal cost, with repeat sessions if required. However, the advice from the Communications and Media Team was that Tier Three was best delivered by an external provider (based on previous experiences) to provide access to specialist equipment and to simulate the media environment of being interviewed by “non-officers”. Quotes were, therefore, being sought for this workshop.


The Panel were in favour of media training for Tiers One and Two.  However, in terms of Tier Three it was suggested that this not only include Members of the Executive, but also be extended to Select Commission Chairs and the Chairs of the Licensing and Planning Boards.  The training that could be provided should be explored further and the cost met through the Member Development Budget.


Agreed:-  (1)  That the report be received and the contents noted.


(2)  That the proposals for Tiers One and Two be supported.


(3)  That the proposals for media skills and awareness training for Tier Three be explored further and that this be offered to Members of the Executive, Select Commission Chairs and the Chairs of the Licensing and Planning Boards.

Supporting documents: