Agenda item

Community Energy Saving Programme


The Director of Housing and Neighbourhood Services reported on the Community Energy Saving Programme (CESP), funded by energy providers, being implemented for free to some of the Borough’s most vulnerable private and Council sector households living in the most deprived neighbourhoods.


CESP had been created as part of the Government’s Home Energy Saving Programme with the aim of reducing carbon production through the installation of energy efficiency measures to domestic dwellings.  The funding had to be targeted towards residents suffering from fuel poverty with the funding stipulating that CESP could only be spent in the top 10% most deprived neighbourhoods.  Rotherham had 21 areas that complied with the criteria, consisting of 13.400 households.  All works must be completed by 31st December, 2012 and included:-


-        Solid wall insulation (external and internal)

-        Replacement gas boiler (if current boiler is G rated)

-        Loft insulation (either complete or top-up if required)

-        Draught proofing


CESP schemes were delivered by energy providers usually in collaboration with a construction partner.  The Council identified communities that had the correct attributes for successful scheme implementation and influence energy providers/constructors to appraise neighbourhoods and scheme viability.  The Council would also promote the benefits of the scheme and increase confidence within the community and provide the links between the energy provider/partner and the community.


Currently schemes were being carried out/completed in the following areas:-


-        Ferham (completed September, 2012)

-        Eastwood Village (ongoing)

-        Meadowbank/Masbrough/Town Centre/Eastwood (ongoing)

-        Maltby (to commence October, 2012)


Projects funded through CESP had to be completed by December, 2012.  It was understood that there may be opportunities for ‘carry over’ into the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) but energy providers and their contractors were ensuring timely completion by Christmas.  To manage the programme on site, the energy providers/organisations employed a Resident Liaison Officer to inform residents of the intended programme, arrange access, resolve queries and ensure satisfaction upon completion.


To date 395 properties had already benefitted from the energy efficiency improvements which equated to £2.7M.  There was to be a further 653 properties before the end of the year which would result in approximate annual household energy bill savings of £400-500.


It was understood that ECO would integrate within the Government’s Green Deal package, and would focus on providing energy efficiency measures to low income and vulnerable householders in the Borough’s top 15% most deprived neighbourhoods.  A Green Deal Working Group had been established to develop a strategy to maximise the benefits of the new schemes for Rotherham residents.  It was felt that Elected Member representation would bring local knowledge which would assist in the developing of schemes and neighbourhood liaison.


Resolved:-  (1)  That the delivery of energy efficiency measures to both private and Council homes, which had brought about a reduction in fuel poverty in Rotherham’s deprived neighbourhoods and its direct impact on reducing poverty in the Borough, be noted.


(2)  That the continued influencing and enabling role of the Council to maximise the household take up of energy efficiency measures be supported.


(3)  That a ‘roll out approach’ to extending energy efficiency installations to other neighbourhoods and in particular deprived neighbourhoods across the Borough utilising the Energy Company Obligation, which would take over from the Community Energy Saving Programme in 2013, be supported.


(4)  That Ward Members be advised and involved in the planning process as local schemes progress.

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