Agenda item

Woodlands Trust

- Nick Sandford, Regional and Local Government Officer


Nick Sandford, Regional and Local Government Officer, Woodlands Trust, gave a presentation on “Trees are Good for You” as follows:-


Woodlands Trust Vision

-        “A UK rich in native trees and woods, enjoyed and valued by everyone”

-        By 2060 want to see twice as many trees and woods in the UK


Woodlands Trust

-        Conservation charity formed 40 years ago in Devon

-        Now own 1,000 sites across the UK covering 20,000 hectares

-        Approximately 400,000 members and active supporters


3 Key Aims

-        To enable the creation of more native woods and places rich in trees

-        To protect the native woods, trees and their wildlife for the future

-        To inspire everyone to enjoy and value woods and trees


The unique range of benefits of trees, woods and forests

-        Wildlife

-        Health and wellbeing

-        Climate change

-        Water benefits

-        Economy

-        Sustainable communities


Health and Wellbeing

-        “Access to green spaces that better mental and physical health across socioeconomic groups”



-        In Glasgow, 1,300 extra deaths each year in areas of poor green space provision

-        People living far away from green spaces are 27% more likely to be overweight and obese

-        Cost to economy of physical inactivity is £8.2bn a year

-        Trees enhance mood, improve self-esteem and reduce blood pressure

-        Environmental challenge including tree planting


Urban Air Quality

-        Economic cost of air pollution is £9bn a year

-        Air pollution in UK reduces life expectancy by 7-8 months

-        Increased tree coverage alleviates urban heat isolation effect

-        Asthma rates are lower in streets with trees

-        Planting at “hot spots” such as road junctions gives the biggest air quality gains


Water Benefits

-        Water quality

-        Flooding


Sustainable Communities

-        Woodland related activities encourage a sense of community and contributes to a sense of wellbeing

-        People need trees and woods near to their homes

-        Woodlands Trust “Access to Woodland Standard”

-        Only 22% of Rotherham people have a small wood within walking distance of their homes


Trees can help save money

-        Trees or Turf – report by Woodlands Trust


Report of the Government’s Independent Panel of Forestry

-        “as a Panel we want as many more opportunities for more people to enjoy the health and wellbeing of woodlands”


Tree Planting Challenge

-        Community Tree Packs – any community group or school could apply for a pack of 30 trees (comes with instructions and information) which they can plant

-        Those with larger pieces of land there were schemes that could contribute to the cost of tree purchase and also benefitted from the advice of a tree professional

-        If land was more than 2 hectares, the Trust could help in terms of seeking a grant from the Forestry Commission

-        The Trust could help in terms of improving any policies as well as practical help in terms of working in partnership if the Council had any areas of land it thought suitable for woodland creation


Discussion ensued on the presentation with the following issues/questions raised:-


o       Rotherham was not wood rich

o       There were areas of very poor air quality in the Borough

o       Difficult financial climate and was not looking to develop new assets

o       The Trust worked in partnership with South Yorkshire Forest Partnership

o       Transforming amenity green spaces into woods could significantly reduce management costs

o       There was grant aid available for such transformation

o       Case studies would provide information on any potential savings

o       The Trust was exploring working in partnerships with local authorities and transferring ownership of areas of woodland over to community groups

o       Urban air quality involved careful planting of trees


Nick was thanked for his presentation.